No more smoking in pubs etc tomorrow .what do u think about it?!


No more smoking in pubs etc tomorrow .what do u think about it?

also how many of u smokers may give up because of this

i think that's a great idea bec. i never smoked, SORRY SMOKERS

Too stupid. And no, I'll still smoke. Just somewhere else.

Is this an April Fool's? :) If not, get used to it. California doesn't allow smoking in any establishment. You get used to stepping outside for a smoke. After a while, it's no big deal. Did it make me quit? Nope.

There are laws in the U.S. saying if a pub/restaurant makes most of its profits from food, then you can't smoke BUT if it makes most of its profits from alcohol then smoking is allowed. Makes sense to me...

Good its better as it is injurious to health we come through many diseases to avoid that stop smoking and drinking .I know it is very tough to stop that but slowly we will get the habit of it

I think good, because I am a non smoker. And I know smoking is injurious to health, even passive.

the thing that i think is most interesting about this (i know it's the case here in wisconsin and i think most every place these days) is that they want to have a smoking ban in all workplaces, meaning if someone works there, you can't smoke, they say they want to do this to get more people to quit smoking, but then in the next breath they say they are wanting to raise tobacco tax $1 a pack because they need more money for health projects in the state, it seems contradictory to me, you want/need the money from the tobacco, but yet you don't want people to smoke, and to they seem to be counting on this money, what if their goal works and most people quit smoking because of the ban, they will be getting less tax money which they seem to already be counting on, so what're they going to do, they raise the tax again because they need more money, which then will cause more people to quit which will again cause there to be less money from taxes, seems like the government thinks they have all the keys but yet i think they're being hypocritical, if the government truly wants people to quit smoking then they wouldn't rely on the tax money so heavily, but i think it's just all for show because they NEED that money therefore they NEED people to keep smoking

What DizzieMissLizzie said above is very true. It makes no sense to try to curtail smoking when local governments depend on tax revenues from tobacco sales. If everyone quit, then they would tax other things that affect people who don't smoke.

However, I have a real problem with anti-smoking laws in places such as bars. To me, if I owned a bar, that decision should be left up to me, the owner. If I decided to allow smoking in my establishment, then non-smokers have the option to not patronize my place of business. If business becomes so bad because of the boycott by non-smokers, then it's my choice to ban smoking. Bottom line is, the government has no business telling owners of private establishments that they can't have people smoking a legal substance in their places of business.

Doesn't bother me, I don't smoke when I drink. But, the smoke doesn't bother me either.

I think it is too many people trying to control others. I don't smoke so I don't care on one level. But on the other hand, I also expect a bar to have smoke in it. I am going there to drink poison, so why should it bother me to breath it in as well? If I make a choice to go into an establishment that is full of smoke, why can I not be a big boy and decide to leave if it is bothering me. We as a society, need to stop blaming others for are problems. Stop suing McDonald's for your big butt, Stop suing tobacco companies for a choice you made, and if others choose to smoke, leave if it is bothering you. The owner of the pub should be the person who decides wether or not you can smoke there. Everyone needs to grow up and decide to take personal responsibility for themselves and not so much worrying about what your neighbor is doing. Maybe we should sue the sun for giving us skin cancer...

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