Does beer make you break out like soda does?!
Does beer make you break out like soda does?
My face breaks out like crazy after drinking 1 soda so I quite a few months back. I've been told soda gives people bumps all over their faces because it is carbonated. If that's true, shouldn't beer make people break out too?
No. Well, at least I haven't heard of anyone having that problem. But you might be allergic or something. It is not the carbonation but the sugar in soda that is most likely doing it to you. Beer also has a bunch of sugar (carbs...) but it is nothing on the same level as a soda has in it.
beer makes your belly break out of your pants
people are allergic to different things. some can eat/drink anything but others react badly to the such as soda .it does not mean you will react badly to beer.
Beer makes you break wind - never heard of it making your face break out unless you talk a lot of shite.