Maijuana or Alcohol-- Which is more dangerous?!

Question: i never crashed a car, or got in a fight, i never got in any trouble while i was high. however on alcohol, ive done all of the above. pot makes you lazy, whisky makes you crazy!!!

Answers: i never crashed a car, or got in a fight, i never got in any trouble while i was high. however on alcohol, ive done all of the above. pot makes you lazy, whisky makes you crazy!!!

alcahol. makes u drunk


do a search on most dangerous drugs.
alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous then coke and heroin.
just GUESS which is the LEAST addictive drug??

in my opinion, i think alcohol is more dangerous.
you can't die from weed.
atleast i've never heard that case.

Both can be. If I had to choose I'd say alcohol.

Alcohol more people die of alcohol related incidents then THC alcohol should be more illegel then M.J.

both. have you taken psychology? alcohol can permanently damage your medulla i think. dont know bout marywana though x_x

alcohol is way more dangerous... especially while driving... at least when you are stoned you can calculate your decision making... there is no thinking when you are drunk... personally i like to cross fade

They're only dangerous if you snort (inhale) them . . .

Alcohol Most defiantly.

Alcohol is dangerous! Pot is not!

you never hear of the disease called marijuanism, what about alcoholism?

Well alcohol is known to cause more long term damage than marijuana, but marijuana does contain a lot of tar that is harmful to the lungs and also quite a few carcinogens. For a developing body alcohol is more dangerous and in long run alcohol does have a higher probability of causing health issues.

Alcohol is in my mind the worst. Even Maijuana is bad for you in ways. But not like alcohol

Alcohol -more dangerous in the consumption aspect versus Marijuana, however with regards to the current legal system and legislation on the two, smoking marijuana would be classified as more dangerous with its strict possession laws. (However, one can also argue that drinking and driving penalties are just as strict as marijuana possession, so don't get caught!)


ALCOHOL kills brain cells....but alcholol also damages your liver+kidney..they are equally bad. i think.

neither, do them both and have a good nite

I learned in that there are no studies to prove that marijuana will have side effects during pregnancy but maybe thats because most people don't do it then. But I'll have alcohol is more dangerous, people get stupid and drunk drive and die from alcohol poisoning and choking on their own vomit.

Alcohol. Alcohol is one of the easiest and legal drug to get hooked on. It's easy to put in your "Pop" during the day, even when your driving you can carry it with you in your "pop" bottle. Drunk driving is a huge killer, not to mention how it deteriates your physical function and psycological functions.
There is no cure, and its one hell of a drug to fight off if your addicted. Ive seen people rather live on the streets because they couldnt pay there rent ...all because they need that drink. It's easy and legal, thats why it's more dangerous. I'm speaking from experience and now helping others. Marijuana,food,sex,even work can kill you as well...It's all in moderation,but when your an addict, anything will kill you.

Marijuana is more dangerous.... they are both addictive, but alcoholics are still more likely to contribute to society. Marijuana has been proven over and over again as being a gateway drug... almost all drug addicts do not contribute to society. I hear people say that marijuana comes from the earth and its safe... blah blah blah... who put that marijuana in the ground... a drug dealer, last I knew drug dealers weren't God!! Also, how many drug dealers add a little something extra to get their pot heads hooked on something that is more expensive and dangerous...Alot of them do. You don't have to worry about there being something laced into your beverage of choice. Marijuana is definitely more dangerous.

Edit to baserunner....... You are kidding right.... smoking cigarettes is NOT more dangerous than heroin... I don't know about you, but I've never seen a smoker overdose and nod in and out of consiousness like heroin and coke addicts, and I've never seen a smoker or drinker get aids from sharing a puff or sip with another smoker/drinker....

both are bad, every joint is like smoking 20 cigarettes, and alcohol will kill your liver

alcohol of course no one has ever died for smokin pot

im not trying to offend anybody by swearing on here but this comment below me pissed me off. first off a drug dealer did not magically pull marijuanna out of his *** and try to smoke it. obvisiously god did put it here because its a ******* plant. and alcoholics can be very angry and abusive people were as people who smoke pot would just sit and eat and play video games all day. i dont know if anyone watches the news but when you hear of someone going down the wrong way down a highway and kill someone they are 99% of the time drunk or on hard drugs. if u tried to look up the number of people who died from overdoseing on pot you would no results because its never happend. people die from overdosing on alcohol all the time. i also believe that all these anti-marijuanna commercials are false advertised. for example there is a commercial were this girls dog starts talking to her and he said hes mad cause she smokes pot. first off if youve have ever smoked pot before you would know that you wouldnt start hallucinating by seeing you dog talking to you. if they wanted to keep kids off a drug that would do that to them tell them not to take lsd. if the government wants to keep people off drugs they need to stop making up lies to the youth and just tell them that if you smoke pot you'll probally just be lazy. not lie and say your dog is gonna start talking to you or that your gonna light your parnets car on fire or some bullshit.


Well marajuana is the illegal one and its really bad for your brain. If your a complete stoner you can develope short term memory loss and your reactions get really slow.And then just smoking in general is bad for you plus pot's got lots of stuff in it which is bad for your lungs. But you do get high which is fun ;)
With alcohol you damage your liver over long term drinking but overall i think pot's worse for you. And if your trying to make a decision between the two just stick with alcohol cos its legal!

definetly Maijuana
im in 5th grade and im doing d.a.r.e
it is way more dangerouse that alcohol

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