Is it normal to get drunk Every Friday and Saturday?!


Is it normal to get drunk Every Friday and Saturday?

or do i have a drink problem?

Its called binge drinking, and it does more damage to your body than if you drank the same amount over the space of the week. Just because it's a common problem doesn't make it OK. Two nights a week, every week, is quite a lot.

No its very normal, have fun.

I think that's pretty normal in this society.

Do you crave a drink the rest of the week? If not, don't worry too much.

Nope, I'm right there with ya, weekends are made for good friends and good drink, your normal.

PS. Wouldn't ya know it, the one voice of dissent is a female, no sense of humor at all, see men, they aren't like us LOL

You do have a drink problem..why are you not getting drunk on Sundays

You are well on your way to becoming an alcoholic.

I sometimes wonder if its normal not to. So many people seem to go out at the weekend and drink themselves silly, while I never have nor ever wanted to. I'm a tee-totaler so that's why I don't drink.
But as to whether you have a drink problem, I can't answer that. I guess only you can.

No it's normal you forgot to include Sunday until 8.00pm so you have time to sober up for Monday

It's normal for me!

Binge drinking can be very bad for you.I wouldn't be too worried about it,but be cautious.

And I ask you...........What is normal?

Only if you drink too much, Frankie.

yes, you do have a drink problem you are missing sunday night,

yes, but it is not normal to be sober monday thru friday.

How old are you?
Do you always hang out with the same people doing the same pubs etc?
I would say it is pretty much the norm for someone aged up to mid-thirties but then people's lives tend to change when they get married or have kids and dont have the opportunity to go out as much.
Why not try doing something like bowling or the cinema to try and take the focus away from the booze.

Its normal nowadays so enjoy!

Yes and er, probably yes but, hey, what the heck?

Yea its normal, thats what the weekends are for.

Nope, but what about all the other days?

it s ok i supose , i drink most weekends but dont usually go out just stay in with a bottle of wine watching the box. id say t was fine as long as you look after yourself by being healthy and not getting drunk in the week the odd drink is prob ok .:O)

Ithink that if u like to party during those days and like how u felel by doing it then do it, because u only have one life, so o whatever u want to do with it, live it to its fullest, don't let anything stop u!!!!
Drink all u want that's what life is for, to enjoy it, just drink responsibly, AND PLEASE DON'T DRIVE WHILE U ARE DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Read books about alcoholism and you will very supprised to find the true facts about this subject.
To sum it up getting drunk like you do may not be a problem, but when you really understand yourself you will know what future you have. If you realize you are on the wrong path, get help and get it sorted out quickly. Best of luck.

i say go for it ! but maybe dont take my advice as i enjoy a bottle of white wine every night!!

It's normal for me!!!!!!!!!!!

did it for years, during high school and college, and airforce.

YOU definetly have a are drinking your lifeaway

well for me Mon, Tue, wed, Thurs, Fri and yeah sat too lol just kidding sometimes i drink on Mon but don't drink on any other day or i will on Fri and/or sat but not on any other day. just don't drink everyday.......O you asked about getting DRUNK I don't get drunk but once every 6 or so weeks. i just like getting a nice buzz. but its your life if you think you have a problem slow down and only go out on Fri or only have 1or3 a night. when i started Drinking A lot i was 15 and it was a every day thing not good but im older now 21 lol and i don't want to drink so much any more. 15 years old was when i started at the first bar i worked at not good. but have fun and tip your bartender well........cheers

When I was younger we went out. I would get a little buzzed, but rarely drunk off my butt. I think every weekend is a lot, so you may have some issues with drinking.

Just don't drink & drive please.

I thought it was compulsory.

No, I do it too. Only I'm in college so the weekend/getting drunk starts on Thursday. Sometimes Wednesday.

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