2 hours to go before they ban smoking in pubs in wales?!


2 hours to go before they ban smoking in pubs in wales?

. i think it is a good think what do u think

I'm a nonsmoker so it sounds fine to me.

you know what they're always saying on those adverts: Second hand smoke is a killer.

its a good thing 2nd hand smoke kills

yes it is good

Next they'll be telling us what we can read and can't read and what news channel we should all watch.

Bad ideas are borne out of other bad ideas.

i think its lovely to have a nice *** in a good old English pub but with the surveys coming out saying how passive smoking is such a killer i think it is a good idea and will reduce the amount of deaths related to smoking.

Love Wles Iwas there in 95,beautiful country. I think it is up to the public on rather the like it or not. My thoughts are you can go outside and smoke'

I don't live in Wales but I am all for smoking bans in pubs.

Smoking is one reason I don't go out as often as I'd like. To me, you should be able to wear jeans for 2-3 days before they are dirty. When I go out, after just 1 hour of sitting in a bar I have to wash them because the smoke smell is so strong I can't hack it.

NONONONONO!!!!!!!!! This is a bad thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in washington state, around a year ago they made us a non-smoking state!!!!! you cant somke with in 25 feet of ANY public window, door, vent or estiblaisnment......... net even the little sh&^ hole run down bars and taverns!!!!! people have lost so much busniss its not even funny....... now that it has been so long some places have recoverde a little but nothing like b4 the ban....... for you sir i am sorry and for all of Wales.

and for the other reason of, at least for me, my entire life, i grew up knowing that a bar was a place with music, smoke in the air, and adults drinking. i came from a small town, where the local bars were a great place kids were welcome until 9PM, there was a thick cloud of smoke and sew dust on the floor, that is the way it has been. why change it? (I do know that there is more then one type of bar) if you want a smoke free place then go to one its not right for everyplace to be non-smoking!!!!!!!!

Come to California. We can't smoke anywhere inside anywhere. I was used to being able to smoke in a bar or restaurant in the midwest. Now it's only outside within about 20 feet of an entrance, if not more. Luckily some places have made an outdoor smoking section for those of us who don't want to give it up. They even provide coverage and heaters for the rainy weather.

All I can say is to suck it up and deal with the rules. You get used to them after time.

I'm a non-smoker, but I mean people don't exactly go to pubs to get healthy or anything. Drinking and smoking kinda go together and I think there should maybe be smoking and non-smoking bars. But with proper ventilation (problem: expensive) you can't even tell. All the bars in 5-star hotels have them and you can't even smell the smoke because up it goes as soon as it's blow out. Oh well, I don't make the laws!

i dont live there but they've done it in america already so yea its a great thing.. less cancer i guess.. right?

I wonder... smoking kills, ok, we all know that, but we also know that alcohol kills, too... when do they ban alc from pubs? You say that's not the same, if you are not a smoker you can get killed by second hand smoke... well, I tell you if you are a pedestrian, or a cyclist, and you get run over by a drunk driver... kind of second hand effect, too... so let's ban everything, stop the fun, and welcome to brave new world!

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