Do you drink alcohal? or are you alcohal free?!


Do you drink alcohal? or are you alcohal free?

I chose to be alcohal for many reason, my friends give me a hard time, I don't care though. But why or why not did you choose to be alcohal free?

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3 months ago
* i chose to be alcohal FREE oops lol

3 months ago
also how old were you when you decided to do what ever you chose?

3 months ago
ohh i thought i spelled Alcohol wrong. well y'all know what i meant.

3 months ago
* i chose to be alcohal FREE oops lol

3 months ago
also how old were you when you decided to do what ever you chose?

3 months ago
ohh i thought i spelled Alcohol wrong. well y'all know what i meant.

Almost alcohol free.i like to have a drink once every few months.i used to drink a lot but calmed down and got away from the whole scene.i still enjoy it once in awhile but this whole drinking culture is mad.i am from ireland and in my circle of friends(and is quiet the norm) drink is a massive social thing.almost everytime my friends meet up its for a drink.its so annoying.that put me off in the end really cause i dont want to be drinking the whole time and i know what you mean about getting a hard time for not drinking.when you have heavy drinking friends like mine its really hard to have a good time being sober

Alchohol free. Just dont like the taste.

i dont drink because i dont need alcohol to make myself look dumb.

Alcohol free (and spell check proficient!)

alcohol free,cause i can't afford any new habits and i don't like the smell or taste.

No, I don't drink alcohol. As a retired Fire Chief I was always on call and the public gets a little upset when you show up to a fire with alcohol on your breath. Also, alcohol is expensive and the cost the next morning isn't worth it. Believe it or not, humans can live without alcohol.

There is nothing wrong with alcohol, only people's attitudes towards it. In European countries where they grow up drinking (small amounts) there are fewer problems, it's only in countries like the UK where you get to 18 and everyone goes mad when they can finally drink.

alcohol free

alcohol free- I dont need alcohol to have a good time.

Hell no!!! I have a couple of drinks every day!!! I used to be quite the party animal.I went to bars alot and had a problem with cocaine for about 10 years.I gave up the coke 11 years ago,gave up the pot 5 years ago,gave up the ciggs last a couple of drinks a day after work is the only vice I have left.And it helps me unwind at the end of the day.Good for you though.Everyone has to decide for themselves what is best.

There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol as long as you can handle it.There is too much that happens with people that can't handle it.Like fights guns whatever.If you stick to just a few drinks to socialize than that's okay.I stopped drinking but on a special occasion like a wedding i will definitely have a few to celebrate.

lol! you should be very proud and stay that way - I started drinking alcohol at 12 - of course that's so bad, but - people start drinking for different reasons - i wish i never started, but, i have and i live w/ my choices - - - sadly..........

I drink alcohol. Sometimes I'll have a drink (meaning one) at home, usually on a weekend night. Sometimes I'll have a glass of wine with dinner.

I choose to drink alcohol responsibly because I like the taste of some things (not beer! ick!). Studies have proven that wine is good for you.

I've never been drunk or even close to being drunk. I typically drink one drink in a night, maybe once or twice a week.

As with most things, I think alcohol is perfectly fine if you drink it responsibly and in moderate amounts

free from any vice.....happy

I drink occasionally. I do it mainly for the flavor. One of the local brewing companies has a chocolate flavored beer, it is really good. As long as a person drinks in moderation and has no trouble, than drinking is ok in my book.


I do not think you really need alcohol in your life to have fun. There are many other ways to have fun without to use alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.

Until i was about 20 of age, i drank a few alcohol, kind of sociable drinker, but i drank just a few different of those alcoholic beverage anyway. I never got drunk and i'm glad about that, some people make fun of themselves for making silly things because they drank too much.

I believe there is nothing wrong about drinking from time to time a little drink, moderately, but i am not interested in it anymore, this is so many years i didn't drink a drop of alcohol and i never missed it, honestly!

Alcohol can change your behavior and personnality according how much you would drink and how often. I want to have the control of myself at any time, not to be controlled by some alcohol. Also, being alcohol-free is good for your health, so that is good you chose that too. It's good for saving money also! lol

Hope it answers you!
Good luck, don't listen to people who want to push you of drinking, you decided the right choice, follow it!

I drink alcohol on an almost daily basis. I started drinking at the age of 18, was hired as a bartender the day I turned 21, and now my life revolves around the comsumption and sale of alcohol. Alcohol is a great way to release the pressure of daily life and just hang loose. It is also the way I get paid, so I love it in that respects too.

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning that is as good as they are going to feel all day." Frank Sinatra

Well I started drinking at a VERY VERY young age with my friends !!! But now I am 22 ... I have not had a single drink for over a year ... Yay I am alcohol free now ... It feels good, I dont see what the big deal about drinking is ... Its a waste of money, and makes you usually look really stupid ... Not worth it !!

Hope this helps

i'm a lover ,not a drinker.

I drink the **** out of some alcohol

I go through periods where I drink quite a bit and too much sometimes and then other times I just don't feel like drinking and won't drink for months. It just depends on the weather and my mood. I like drinking when I watch football but football season is over and I haven't been drinking much lately.

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