Should i feel guilty about this?!

Question: this is going to sound stupid
i hav done a lot of things behind my parents back and i dont really feel guilty...and normally i wouldnt have problem taking some of their vodka...but for some reason i just cant replace some of it with water...even a little tiny bit of it. for some reason i just feel so bad if i would tamper with their precious drink....
this is a stupid thing i shouldnt even b saying on yahoo answers... but should i feel guilty about putting water in my parents vodka? (and dont give me that your too young to b drinking stuff...ive already heard it too many times)

Answers: this is going to sound stupid
i hav done a lot of things behind my parents back and i dont really feel guilty...and normally i wouldnt have problem taking some of their vodka...but for some reason i just cant replace some of it with water...even a little tiny bit of it. for some reason i just feel so bad if i would tamper with their precious drink....
this is a stupid thing i shouldnt even b saying on yahoo answers... but should i feel guilty about putting water in my parents vodka? (and dont give me that your too young to b drinking stuff...ive already heard it too many times)

You are right to feel guilty, not just for being underage, but for helping yourself to something that isn't yours. However, if you do continue to take some of their vodka, it is good if you don't add water. It will lose it's potency if you do. And trust me, you won't have to add much water before they realize it's been tampered with. I know, my daughter's boyfriend tried that with one of my bottles not too long ago. ;-)

The reason that you feel guilty is that you know that it's wrong to 1. Steal, 2. Drink. Your conscience is catching up with you. Stop stealing their liquor, you are a better person than that!

DON'T DO IT! do you really think your parents will not notice??? and when they do notice (which they will) who do you think they are going to look at? the dog? NO...i would know if anyone replaced my vodka with water and anyone that says otherwise doesn't know jack about liquor..try to find a friend with a cool older brother or sister who will get you your own

splatz is 100% rite

I think it's normal to feel guilty about stealing.... from your parents... and drinking.

just tell your parents what you did that is so much easier

If youre going to continue to take it dont add water just take very small amounts of something that they drink often a few times until you have enough. Or ask an older sister/ brother, cousin, or friend to buy you some. If you dont feel guilty then you dont feel guilty you cant really do anything about it thats just how you feel.

trust me they well find out, when they go and make their fav mix n it taste faint, then they well know. Trust me water kills vodka FAST,

You say you've heard it, but obviously not often enough. Stop ruining their vodka! Stop stealing! Stop your underaged drinking! If you can't, you have an alcohol problem. If you have a problem, I honestly hope you get caught. That might be the only way you will get the treatment that you need. You should tell your parents what you've been doing, and ask them for help.

The alternatives aren't better. Telling your parents can get you the help you need, and won't last forever. Drinking and driving, alcohol poisoning, etc, are LIFE ENDING events. No offense, but I hope you either tell them, or get caught.

i understand completly where ur cuming from i.e. im 17 n hav dun this b4 except havnt really poored water in coz it'll kinda be a bit weird tasting. im not gana preach to u bout drinkin just dont go overboard thinkin ur top sh*t, n if ur my agish think out talkin to parents about it n who knows they mite b kool about it n let u drink as long as u follow um ov their rules and if u dont tlk to em DONT LET UR PARENTS CATCH YOU it will stuff up everything lol

bak to the point i wouldnt poor water bak in thats a bit dog to them...either buy a bottle and replace it wit that or sumtin idk

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