Too much alcohol?!


Too much alcohol?

I just started to drink alcohol about 8 months ago. I'm 28. Lately I have been having lower back pains after the day I drink. Could this be from drinking? I don't drink everyday but when I do I drink enough that I'm pretty buzzed.

there is no such thing as too much alcohol..this is a sad myth that some fools beleive.

yes, from drinking - it's your kidneys aching - to cure, drink lots of clear water (not tea or soda!)

It could be from drinking your kidneys may not like it or you become dehydrated and the kidneys feel it.

Actually, it could be that you have kidney problems. Id get to a urologist to be sure.

See a doctor about that it might be damaging your kidneys

sounds like you are dehydrating your liver and your kidneys. You need to drink alot of water during the week before you drink and after. alochol dehydrates the body.

Alcohol is fine in moderation.... many countries accompany every meal with wine. Your alcohol intake, however, may be indeed straining your kidneys and causing your back to hurt. It is always wise to drink water before, during, or after an evening of drinking. It helps to prevent hangovers, reduces dehydration and is just good for you. Try it.... see how it works for you.

you are lying

if you drink enough every day to get pretty buzzed, then you would NOT be feeling ANY sort of pain

Probably not. But it depends, i guess it could be possible. Just dont get drunk everyday! haha. Good Luck with your back ! :)

That lower back pain is pain in your kidneys. Try having a full glass of water after each drink. It will lessen the impact on your kidneys and liver as it will help you flush toxins out of your system and rehydrate you from the alcohol.

Have fun, be safe.

If you have kidney problems this could be a sign of difficulty there. It is not unsual to feel aches and pains after a hangover. Of course you should also give some thought to anything you are physically doing while or after drinking that may be contributing to the sore back.

Your back is sore because drinking alcohol effects the kidneys and liver, as they have to work extra hard to filter out the alcohol, and these can cause your back to hurt. It could also could be because of the bar stool you are sitting on. When sitting at a bar you usually do so with your feet on the stool and the position causes stress on the lower back muscles. Eventually you will train these muscles if you continue to drink at the bar and your back may not hurt as bad or at all. If your back does continue to hurt then it because of your kidneys and liver. Some people don't process alcohol as well as others, so be responsible and drink less at a time and always drink as much water as you do beer or any other alcohol..


There is a chance that it could be from to much alcohol....but after 8 months your body should have built up some kind of tolerence...but the chances point more to the fact that you get so messed up fall and stumble around sleep some akward way and wake up the next morning not realizing that you done it and you have these pains...

Please slow down on your drinking, I know you said you don't do it alot but some people shouldn't drink it at all. When your body is in pain it's screaming at you thats something is wrong, please don't take this lightly.

I drink and there is nothing wrong with me the next day but when my boyfriend would drink his lower back would hurt him also ask his kidneys.

My boyfriends family has a history of bad kidneys but he still decided to drink and he had to go to the emergency. Not trying to scare you miss but just please be carefull and listen to your body...

Listen, if you are having pain, it is probably your kidney's and/or liver. Also you probably fall down or sleep wrong or something. If you are having these problems after only 8 months of drinking this is a SERIOUS PROBLEM!!!
These ideas of drinking more water are good and all but that dismisses the fact that after only 8 months you are feeling physical signs of problems. You body tells you when something is bad for you, it's called PAIN. That old joke "Doctor, it hurts when I do this, and he says well Don't Do That" is pretty accurate. Some folks should't drink because alcohol affects them different than other people. SEE A DOCTOR, and try not drinking for a month and see if the pain goes away.

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