To get buzzed?!

Question: assuming i'm twenty-one,
how much gin does it take to get buzzed?
how much rum does it take to get buzzed?

Answers: assuming i'm twenty-one,
how much gin does it take to get buzzed?
how much rum does it take to get buzzed?

It depends on your height and body weight and how much you can handle in your system

Two glasses of gin and one glass of rum for me.

Answer #1 is correct and if you are used to OR NOT used to drinking........

it all depends on how big you are..
if you are little and do not drink that much...
then not very much maybe a cup and a half for either..
but if you have a huge football player type body then a lot more.. maybe 3 or 4 cups... estimate

depends on your size, if youve never drank before, it shouldnt take you long to get buzzed. just one shot might even do it, if youre really skinny.

probably a few drinks if the rum is strong in the drink. i'd say about 3 drinks, this is of course if you are 21, also depends on your tolerance level. if you've never had a drink before and have your first strong drink you can get a buzz.

well... depending on ur alcohol intake... it could be anywhere from 1 to 10 or more...

WQell I can tell you it depends on and give you the many factors but on average between 3 and 6 chots for each of them. Good luck 21

okay just drink like a little maybe 5 classes but do not drink a lot orelse u get achol poisaning and u can die

1 oz is good for a buzz....2 ozs will make you silly.... 3ozs and you become intoxicated...4 ozs and you may pass out...

Rum, Gin, Wine, Beer.....any alcoholic beverage, all provide the alcohol content on their label. Not all Rum is the same. Not all Wine is the same....etc. You must consider the alcohol content; the higher the content, the less it takes to become intoxicated.

The gin and rum are most likely the same strength alcohol, so it'd be the same amount for each.

You can look at BAC charts online. There's one at:

For example, if you are a 140lb female, it would take about three shots within 1/2 hour to reach a BAC (Blood / Alcohol Content) of .10 (buzzed). If nothing is going to stop you from drinking, just make sure to take your time. There's no rush, and drinking too much too fast can ruin your night (and the next day).

I'm going to assume you're NOT 21 based off of your question:
"How can you tell if a guy likes you?"

So my lips are sealed. Wait until you're old enough.

Gin and Rum both come with an average of 40% Alcohol/volume so it'd be the same amount for either one, same with Vodka, and all the others.

There are a few exceptions to this though, and that's with things like Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum that's 92 proof(46% alc/vol) and 151(that's 75.5%) and even moonshine which gets close to 100% alc/vol.

There is a brand named Malibu that makes 35%, and that's usually what inexperienced drinkers like to drink since it's not as kick-you-on-the-floor as some of the other alochols.

Now that we have down:
How much you weigh, how hydrated you are, how much you've had to eat, and your alcohol tolernace all come into play.

It's GOOD to drink with food in your belly.
It's BAD to drink on an empty stomach. Unless you want to only have a few drinks, get really buzzed, and chance getting sick all over the place.

It normally takes me about 5 minutes to feel the shot, then 45 minutes to set on fully(maybe an hour), so I'd say pace yourself. Being drunk can be lots of fun, but throwing up all over the place isn't fun. Have a shot, smoke a cigarette(if you smoke), and listen to some music. Then have another.

I'm 200 lbs and 5'11(and a half) and I can usually polish off a pint -over the course of an evening- and feel good all night and the next morning.

More than a pint and I have to wonder "How much did I eat today? Do I have enough food to absorb this alcohol? How about water? Do I have a good dilution of alcohol/blood?"

Anyway, a friendly little drinking guide from a big drinker :)
Have fun, be safe, if you have any more Q's I'll be checking the question periodically and you can update it with any more questions.

Pace yourself.

It depends on your body size, metabolism etc. A couple shots should get you puking wrecked and mess up your liver for a few days to come... the liver is the body's filter and when it's filled with toxins it gives you the old hang over that can last for days....Drinking is like a time warp, you start and you wake up one day and years have past and time has been wasted....maybe that's why they call it "Getting Wasted". Just because other retards waste their time doesn't mean you have to do it to be trendy. Join the new trend, sobriety.....and don't DRIVE.....

It really depends on what you've eaten and how strong the drinks that you're having are. Usually 2 long islands do it for me.

depends on hight, weight, and how much you had to eat that day

It all depends on your weight, and the amount of time the alcohol is consumed. A shot of rum or gin is considered a drink although their alcohol content is probably not the same. But basically the more you drink in the least amount of time the more "buzzed" and eventually drunk you will be.

4 gallons.... 50 if your under 21

half bottle of gin and 1 bottle of rum for a 15 yr old you do the math

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