Smokers rights. Do you think they should ban smoking in bars and restraunts?!


Smokers rights. Do you think they should ban smoking in bars and restraunts?

I'm doing a debate in my comp class and would love to have other peoples opinions for pro-smoking in public.

I have a problem with the smoking bans. It should be left to the owners of the establishment.

yes i think they should. sure you can smoke....go ahead kill yourself. but if it puts other peoples lives in danger that's not cool.

Well as for bars you go to a bar to smoke and drink but it should be banned from resturaunts

Actually they have already implemented that law in Florida and West Virginia. I wouldn't doubt if more states have the same law. Of course there are loopholes with the law as well. For instance if a bar makes a more money from food then no smoking is permitted in teh building. If the bar makes more of its money from alcohol then smoking is permitted inside.

Well as they have done in many places I have visited just make a "smoking lounge." This is more for colder temp areas, but more viable. The fact is that a lot of people who go out have a smoke when out. I feel that by law a bar should be able to accomadate those patrons...but still able to "protect" their non-smoking patrons.

As for restaurants as children (who don't get to choose where they eat necessarily) I think that it is fine for a ban. Personally I also don't think it makes a good atmosphere in a restaurant as "taste" in food has so much to do with smell.

I lived in FLorida for 3 years and went through the change when they banned smoking in ALL public establishments, there were a few screams at first, but incredibly no one died from it and public places became more pleasurable. Then moving back to Texas went through the exact same thing, bars installed "smokers patios" and once again no one died from not being able to smoke inside, as for non and ex (I am an ex) smokers we enjoy being able to bring our chidren to puclic resturants without exploiting their lungs to second hand smoke, where we stick OUR heads is OUR choice, but lets not force bad habits on minors.

By the way, not ONE single bar closed it's doors due to loss of business, smokers go out, have a smoke, come back in and all is good.


They just passed the no smoking in bars and restraunt law here in washington state. Its nice for us non smokers for the obvious reasons.
If i wanted to kill myself i would jump of a cliff. makes good jokes but in real i dont wanna get cancer from their secondhand smoke. well in several years they are gonna wish they never smoked and i dont wanna hasve to smell it either and it makes people look ugly

In Washington state and a number of other places, that has already been done. I approve; I don't want to inhale polluted air in any public place.

Yes, smoking should be banned in all restaurants.

As far as bars, smoking patios with heat lamps for cold weather work just fine. Smokers sometimes forget just how bothersome smoke can be and others shouldn't be unnecessarily subjected to it.

I don't smoke, but I think they should allow
smoking in bars and designated areas in
restuarants. I hope you get an 'A' in class.

I am currently trying to quit smoking, I lived in Vancouver B.C. when they started the ban there,i think it is right to ban smoking in restaurants and any other place where minors (anyone under 18) is allowed. i think banning smoking in bars is good and bad. I worked in a bar and the smell was always all over everything, i had to clean over flowing ashtrays and pick up butts off the floors and stuff. I think that as adults we should all be able to have a right to smoke in the establishments we frequent.(have a section designated to smoke in) all the ex smokers and those who have never smoked seem to think they have more rights than smokers do and in reality i see more people lighting a smoke in a bar than people that dont smoke. however with a proper ventilation system the smoke shouldnt be that offensive if bars were to put in a smoking room. i have seen them used quite sucessfully, they just need to be cleaned a little better than some of the ones i have been in.

The rights of non-smokers wanting to be in a restaurant or bar without smoke trumps the rights of smokers wanting to engage in a habit that affects those around them.

Definitely should be banned in establishments where food is served (pubs and restaurants). Its a cleanliness thing.
Smoking should be allowed in Night Clubs.

ban smoking in restaurants, yes. in bars, no. bars should at least have a smoking area or something similar.

im a smoker in nyc and they banned smoking here maybe 3 years ago. at first it sucked, but now i have no complaints. in the summertime its no hassle since you can just go to an outdoors bar if you want. though in the winter it can get annoying having to go outside in the cold to smoke.

overall though, i dont mind it.

It must not be banned. but they have to create good areas for smokers and non-smokers. I am a smoker myself but I know that some people have trouble with smoke of other people. Banning is not the solution

I think they should ban it in restaurants but I think in the south they will always have them there. DEFINITELY keep it in bars, because COME ON--they've got to think realistically here, its a frickin BAR. 95% of the people in there smoke cigarettes.

This is from a restaurateurs perspective:

The smoking ban in bars and restaurants goes far beyond an individuals rights to having "clean air" etc. It is an economics issue and anyone in the foodservice industry will agree with this.

Most cities that are enforcing this are implementing a variation of these basic rules:
1) no smoking indoors at any restaurants or bars.
2) smoking is allowed within 3 feet of a standing bar (yes this includes restaurants and bars)
3) smoking is generally allowed on patios

The problem that comes from this is that those restaurants and bars that are priveledged with enough space to have a patio or standing bar (which isn't necessarily as common as you might think, especially in major metopolitan areas) are going to start doing more business when the bans go in to effect.

Another thing this causes is excessive crowding around standing bars which discourages people from buying additional drinks.

I personally don't think that smoking should be banned in bars (c'mon its a bar!!), restaurants I'm ok with. As a chef, I do believe it can alter the taste of the food.

I really feel there are only two options.

1) Leave it up to the propietor to make the smoking decision
2) COMPLETELY ban smoking, no patios, no bars, nada (and it pains me to say this b/c I do on occasion smoke)

Hope that helps.:o)

btw this has been an extememly heated debate between myself and my colleagues and I currently reside in Houston (which has more restaurants per capita than any city in the nation). our city will ban smoking in bars (as well as restaurants as of last year) in septemeber. smoking will still be allowed on patios and at standing bars.

There are no smokers' rights. Although this is a perfectly legal habit (as is drinking alcohol), those who do not or who oppose smoking for any reason (and let's face it both alcohol and tobacco are killers) have decided that the way to introduce change is by legislating the way the behavior is carried on.
Where I live we have banned smoking in work and public places, bars and restaurants and now will ban smoking outside anywhere near a doorway.
Yet they continue to collect the taxes on these products and putting them out of sight in the stores will not eliminate the health hazards. it will however encourage young people to start smoking to see if they can get away with it.
Prohibition did not work!
If restaurants have areas which can be ventilated and separated from non smokers and if bars do the same, I don't see any problem...Oops! we did that here and after spending a lot of money these same establishments are now being told to butt out.

i live in canada (quebec more precisely) and smoking in bars, pblic areas and around buildings is illegal. you must be 9 meters (approximetly 30 feet) away from any bilding and i think its great. i used to smoke and that law made me stop. i mean if you choose to smoke, good for you. you dont have to smoke everybody around you, its just gross

No they shouldnt, if you can pollute my lungs with your car exhaust and your hairspray then I can pollute yours with my cigarettes. And no I dont smoke but I still think that our inalienable rights are slowly being leeched away from us. Little by little. I think you should be able to smoke wherever you want just not in places like schools and resturaunts that support kids things like Mcdonalds and other fast food places. Resturaunts should keep the non and regular smoking sections still though, and if you dont want to inhale smoke but are willing to drink thats just dumb

Yes I think they should ban smoking.

*The smoker has a choice whether or not they want to inhale smoke whereas the non smoker does not have the choice.
* If they really want to smoke they can always go outside.
*Smoking ruins the taste of food neways
*Bar workers and restaurant workers are at risk from passive smoking

I think smoking should be banned in bars and restaurants. I am allergic to cigarette smoke and I cannot go to many of the local places because of the smoke. I would really like to be like a normal person someday and go into a local bar. I feel bad because I can't go out with my friends when they go to a bar.

No, they shouldn't ban smoking in bars or restaurants. It should be left up to the proprietor of each establishment to decide. After all, it's their property!

If a non-smoker doesn't want 2nd hand smoke, then they do not need to patronize the establishment.

Your debate opponent may claim that smoking needs to be banned for the health of bartenders or restaurant workers, who are forced to go to the bar to make a living. You can counter by saying that drunk driving kills hundreds of times more innocent people than 2nd hand smoke harms restaurant workers. Therefore, anyone who supports banning smoking from bars should also support the prohibition of alcohol. If they only support smoking bans, they are being hypocritical.

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