How long does it take for teenagers to become alcoholic?!


How long does it take for teenagers to become alcoholic?

i know someone whos only 13 and she wont stop drinking

I'm 15 and I'm an alcoholic...... WOOT!

it doesnt take long at all if they have an addictive personality and they are that young and have already gone that far...

This is a very subjective question. One person's tolerance to alcohol will not be the same as the next. I think alcoholics are predisposed as they already have an addictive personality and it does run in families.
She needs help if she is only 13 and drinking. Where the hell are her parents?

I'm 18 and I've been drinking since I was 14. I guess that's the culture of England nowadays. I've never been an aloholic though but i did enjoy the occassional piss-up. Still do.

I'd consider an alcoholic someone who drinks alcohol first thing in the morning and never has a hang over as she's still drunk.

if shes drinking on school nights id say its not looking good. but on the weekend i dont see a problem. yes she is a little young, but most kids start at 14-16 so its not that bad. and the kids that start earlier ussually turn out to be mor eresponsbile dirnkers once they get older. the kids that go to the hospital for alchohol are ussually the ones that dont start until theyr 18+. first couple parties they go nuts and sometimes even die. those are the kids u ussually hear about on the news. and plus most countries arent as strict like us americans. people in europe start drinking at very young ages.

very quicky.

Very difficult to tell, as this kind of thing varies from person to person. Many teens drink often because it is not readily available to them and they sometimes get an extra rush from knowing that they are breaking the rules. if you really want someone to stop or at least curb their drinking, I would tell them how you are worried about them becoming dependent on the substance in question, but don't flat out tell them not to do it--this will sound like a health class lecture and can jeopardize your friendship. Try to be calm and not sound like you are lecturing. That's how I got my friend to stop smoking.

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