Whats your favourite cure for an headache from hell?!

Question: self induced of course as the result of 7 pints last night.

Answers: self induced of course as the result of 7 pints last night.

naproxim sodium...which I see by the way you spell "favorite", that is, with a U, means that you're from the UK. So you won't know what naproxim sodium is. More's the pity. I swear, I can't figure you english people out. Why do you put up with scarcity in the midst of plenty?

.4 motrin

nuerofen extra.

2 advil and back to bed


drink lots off water , it works for me

not sure how to deal with one now, but to pevent in the future take an aspirin prior to going drinking, -prevents hangovers-

Sorry buddy, your new best friend is time and lots of sleep.

I had a headache at the hospital once and they gave me some morphine. Took away the headache and made me sleep. Good stuff, but they say it can be addicting.

You're dehydrated. 7 pints to combat yesturdays.

Take 3 paracetamol plus and put a cold damp flannel on your forehead!

Aspirn the night before, right before you go to bed could prevent it altogether. Otherwise, aspirin and lots of water. You need to rehydrate!

tylonal....than hit the sheets

big fat fry up,
hair of the dog,,,just one,
a good movie and total relaxation.....

Drink More :) Then you forget your head even hurt !

Plenty of water, banana sandwiches (rich in potassium), and sleep. Soe headache tablets wouldn't hurt either.

Alternatively, remove your head, you won't feel anything after that.

water ,ibuprofen lay in bed and tryto fall asleep

Take a Tylenol ((maximum strength)) sit in the dark and sleep when you wake up no more headache works for me hope it helps

Drink plenty of water, the head ache is probably because beer makes you dehydrated.

I know what you mean - about the headache of course. I get plenty of headaches 'from hell'. Especially those annoying migraines. Here are some of the things I do to help and cure myself.

Everyone says Aspirin, when you ask them for a cure. I'm not saying that that's not a wise option, but I would reccommend Paracetamol. You are meant to take about 2, every three or four hours with water. They are very effective, and I find the headache goes away quite fast.

Water is another important one. Drink plenty of water. Carry a bottle with you, and drink it. It helps clean your system, and soothes the ache as well.

The absence of light is helpful too. If you turn off the lights and the television, and maybe even close the curatins too, it will certainly help, and will also make your head feel more relaxed and calm, enabling you to release stress as well.

Getting your son/daughter/partner to massage it is also beneficial. Even if it's only for merely 5 minutes, it can prove a great help, and can also help you calm down, unwind, and go to sleep, which brings me on to my final point.

Sleep. This is obviously one of the most popular cures, and it genuinely does help. Once again, it helps you to relax, whilst still soothing the pain in your head. You wake up with a very small headache; if not, no headache, and you are definitely in a better state of mind to continue your day.

Hope I helped!

Listen to loud rock music.

Hair of the dog!! Have another pint after ur 1st youl feel much better! Or alternatively if u really cnt face that drink plenty of water headaches normally mean u r dehydrated

There is something on the market for hangovers but I can't remember the name of it. In the meantime take pain reliever (Aleve) and sleep it off.


I used to find that a really cold can of diet pepsi used to help - drink it quite quickly which will make you burp but seems to help. You probably need to drink lots of water anyway because you're dehydrated.

get up at least 2 hours before you have to get up...take 2 aspirin with 16oz water....and go back to bed....

I,- thank goodness don't go that far with booze to get them.

However - rather than tablets. For a hangover for me it would have to be a litre of fresh orange.

NO BETTER CURE than vitamin C..........xxxxxxxx

3 advil and a glass of water plus more sleep

another beer

don't know

It's a BC Powder. It's an old product that's been on the market for a long time. It's crushed up into a powder. Tastes awful, but it REALLY REALLY works to stop a headache fast. The ad used to say "Take a BC Powder and come back strong!"

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