Any alcoholic drink isn't such a bad thing as long as....................... true or false?!

Question: Any alcoholic drink, Guinness, Heineken, Hennessy, Bacardi Razz, is NOT such a bad thing as long as you don't overdo it and make it a big habit and drink so much to the point that your liver can't process the alcohol and you die of alcohol poisoning.

True or False?

Answers: Any alcoholic drink, Guinness, Heineken, Hennessy, Bacardi Razz, is NOT such a bad thing as long as you don't overdo it and make it a big habit and drink so much to the point that your liver can't process the alcohol and you die of alcohol poisoning.

True or False?

In a way, it is true. If you drink one beer, or alcoholic drink a day. It is actually beneficial to you. It helps your heart, and your kidneys. You just can't overdue it.



It is true, in moderation, thankfully.

of course

True, it's ok in moderation. Just don't turn into an alcoholic!

True. If done responsibly in moderation, it is fine.

True for most people but some people just cannot handle drinking at all and even a couple of drinks will change their personality. Sometimes this change is for the worse.

False; because you can get liver poison and eventually die. To be on the SAFE side just don't do it; then you won't have to worry about getting liver poison.

Obviously true.
Don't listen to Mr. Panic over there who thinks that drinking a beer every once in a while is going to give you some kind of liver problem.
You've got to die from something. You'll feel stupid in a hospital dying from nothing!

One small point, if I may. Not drinking till you die of alcohol poisoning doesn't mean you won't become an alcoholic.

True ... "moderation in all things" (Hesiod).

true ,, all things in moderation. As long as your system can handle the drink. however, with some of the super drinks unless you have been drinking for awhile, it seems to me that one of these could be too much. While your body could recover the effects can lead you to impossible situations or even more drinking. It could go along the lines of binge drinking that was done in college frat parties that led to death because of over consumption.So along with the drink should be some good sense and maybe good friends.

False. For many people, alcohol is more dangerous than illegal drugs. Some people are genetically prone to alcoholism which has a huge impact on them and society as a whole. Lives are wasted.

Just because you have great restraint, doesn't mean that everyone can handle drinking. We all pay the costs of shortened lives or subsidized hospitalization for homeless alchoholics who develop serious illness.

This is a serious and deadly problem that needs to be addressed.

True. Alcohol in moderation is actually good for you. Not everyone, however, can manage the moderation part.

True.....I think if you keep in reasonable boundaries and you havent any past history of liver problems and keep away from it being a habit it will be okay....Once or twice a week wont do you any harm as long as you dont over do it...

Moderate alcohol is actually good for you b/c it helps clean your system from potential diseases. Of course Red Wine is the best for you...but a glass of beer worth a day of alcohol is good.

Anything more than one beer or wine a day, though, starts having more bad effects (liver and kidney damage and brain damage by killing cells, to name a few) than good. And the sad truth is very few beer drinkers stick to that one glass don't need to get to the point of puking to witness severe damage from alcohol consumption.

The trick is NOT to 1) let drinking become a strong habit IE a prominent means of enjoyment and/or 2) use it any time to shield you from social or psychological fears or problems. Most heavy drinkers don't just like the taste of beer, but also have one of the above.

It is like using spray cleaners in your house, some is good to kill bacteria but sitting around the house and inhaling CFCs from spray fumes all day, kind of like inhaling glue fumes, can make you sick.


True...however...turning into an alcoholic is not necessarily a want of any drinker. I personally began drinking in moderation and was not hoping to become addicted. Alcoholism is a disease, so you have to be VERY careful. The alcohol inhibits you from making great decisions...and after a drink or two may seem ok to keep going and going and going. :( It can be very dangerous, so just be careful. MODERATION is KEY.

That is a very fine line you draw. Drink to the point that you DON'T get kidney failure? What is overdo?

You are leading yourself down a FALSE and dangerous path.

Most Drs. would agree that one drink per day, a little wine with your beef meal especially, aids digestion (and I do). One can unwind with a small scotch or sherry. We are a weak and undisciplined people, crave stimulation and debauchery, full of Satan, tho and can't do with unwind...have to WIND UP.

False... to the characterless, restraintless young people of today who want to give totally over to the wild side OR to those who think they can walk the line.


Not true if you're diabetic. Alcohol is full of sugar & carbohydrates so you have to be careful there. Might want to check out your family history.

Everything else sounds pretty good.


False. It still affects your kidneys. It's kind of like saying a cigarette every now and then has no impact on your lungs.


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