Stick kettle on?!
Stick kettle on?
mine went on at 11.53 im brewin, only had 9 today roundin it up to 10 now, anyone beat me today on brews, or im i a brewaholic?
i am the same as you.i must have about 10 to 12 cups a i am up for another so stick the kettle on.......
I hope you get liver cancer
Sorry dude, I didnt read the question properly, For some reason I thought you were talking about alcohol, as in you were drinking alot. Hence the major cause of liver cancer and death.
I think the work brew and coholic kind of gave me the wrong idea.
I just have no sympathy for alcoholics, that binge drink, cause caos in the streets, become violent, kill when driving etc
Anyways peace dude
had none today, but am going to get another vodka.
no...but if you want a voddy...mines is the tall glass!!!!
Depends when you started I guess.
I'm going down for some now.
that was a terrible thing to say nasty answerer 1
i guess i have had about 7 i havent counted i love my brew i do specialy 1st 1 of the day
Ok... Shan P...
Since when does drinking TEA give you liver cancer?! I can only assume therefore that you have no clue what this question is about and just say things to be rude... or you're an idiot... Or both (most likely!)
Can't compete with 10 though... only had the 2 today...
Wouldn't go as far as a brewaholic... May a brew fanatic...
No just a boring geek with no life
i have to say i beat that before 10 am, but now am on the alchohol, so if evening counts you win!
sorry,i beat you i'm a tea- aholic,and must drink at least 20 mugs a day.AND to shan p,who do you think you are? how the hell can you wish cancer on somebody,my mum is having radiotherapy for breast cancer,cancer is an illness you NEVER wish on anybody,it just so happens i answered this question and saw your answer,hope you sleep well tonight,because thousands of cancer sufferers and their families wont,you knob head!
i can beet that
but ive had 14 beers