How do i know if i have a drinking problem?!


How do i know if i have a drinking problem?

Im always in a better mood when i go to work hungover, i drink probally 5 nights a week, and i usually drink to forget about my problems and/or deal with them

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3 months ago
I have been making some stupid mistakes at work. nothing major that will get me fired but forgetting things i used to remember

3 months ago
Oh yeah and im not worried about destroying my liver cause im only 21 and i figuere when my liver does start causeing problems they will be able to clone one or just give me a pig's liver. But then again maybe that is the whiskey talking

3 months ago
I have been making some stupid mistakes at work. nothing major that will get me fired but forgetting things i used to remember

3 months ago
Oh yeah and im not worried about destroying my liver cause im only 21 and i figuere when my liver does start causeing problems they will be able to clone one or just give me a pig's liver. But then again maybe that is the whiskey talking

It doesn't sound like you have a drinking problem.
It sounds like you have a not drinking problem. :-)

if your asking then you have one.

Be careful, It sounds like youre on a slippery slope. Never drink to forget problems, that just creates more. how often you drink is not as important as how much. I f youre binge drinkin youre playin a dangerous game with youre life. I hope youll find what youre lookin for.

You're not an alcoholic. I do that to but that's because I work for a district court and have to deal with people that hate me before they even walk in the door. And, having a judge for a boss is pretty stressful. If it gets to the point where you can't function in normal daily routine without being drunk or feeling hungover, then check out some AA meetings.

You have a drinking problem when you can't go without a beer or whatever when you're having a bad day. If it's your release in life, that's a problem.

Who doesn't but man drinking alcohol and going to work with a hangover is bad work ethics. Instead grab a coffee or energy drink. Drinking to make the world disappear is definitely not good for you so you do have a drinking problem.

if you are wondering if you have a drinking problem... then you do. the definition of an alcoholic is anyone who enjoys three or more drinks per week, and by drinks they mean one serving (ie one shot, one beer, etc.) thats a little extreme, I think, but if you are even admiting that you use it as an escape from problems and you are in a better mood from it... its a problem. then again, sometimes things are problems for some people and not for others. are you controlling it or is it controlling you?

you know you have a drinking problem if you go to work hungover and you drink 5 nights of week........

It would be a good idea to stop drinking. 5 nites a week is a lot of drinking. I used to have a friend who drank when ever he could, he died at the age of 36 years of age. His liver gave out. From the sounds of it "drinking to forget your problems," you need counseling. You need to get involved in the 12 step program for alcoholics. I 've seen so many people die from's a sorry way to go. ...You have a problem.....Stop....Get help.

Because you need alcohol to forget your problems. Leave the alcohol alone and solve your problems sober. Life will be much easier.

an alcoholic is one that cannot forgo his daily drink. be it either a glass of wine or beer or liqueur, coming home or after or during a meal. , ( i must have it or i get the fidgets )., just the fact of needing it is a signal of it, does not have to be allot but it is regularly

usually worried about when your gonna get your next drink,shaky until you get a drink,

If you:

drink in the morning
Crave a drink at a certain time every day
can't stop at just 1 or 2 drinks
drink every day or/and binge drink on weekends

You just have to watch it....a good old friend of mine called me on it one night and I am so glad he did. Because I could not see what was happening....he said he was worried about me drinking so much...and he was right. It slowly can take control of your life and you do not realize it. Don't get me wrong, I think if a person does it in moderation it is okay. But there is a fine line there and if it is crossed it will be a bad scenario. He caught me at that line twenty years ago and I will never forget it.
Again, it is hard for the person drinking too much to even know it. Everyone else will though. Good luck.

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