Wicked hangover?!

Question: can somebody tell me the best way to get rid if a wicked hangover? And I don't want to hear drink water. It doesnt help me! Thanks

Answers: can somebody tell me the best way to get rid if a wicked hangover? And I don't want to hear drink water. It doesnt help me! Thanks

you should eat any sort of melon- honeydew, canteloupe, or watermelon. it will put substance in your stomach and rehydrate you at the same time since melons are almost entirely made up of water. this is the one fool proof hangover cure.... trust me i've tried everything!

You are right. Drinking water doesn't help, but if you drink water while you are drinking next time, then it will help you. Alcohol dehydrates you. When you get up, then you are suffering from that. If you fuel yourself while you drink, then you don't have a problem. Try some midol. I know that sounds strange, but it works.

I usually eat something greasy and have some coffee or a Coke, then take a long, hot shower. That usually makes me feel better.

Drink some tomato juice to settle your stomach, take a couple advil and sleep for a few hours.

A bloody mary is a good way to help some...But I actually used to take 3 extra strength tylonal and that helped but I heard it isn't good to do that..It may mess up your liver...I still did it at times I felt it was more important to live long enough to care about my liver.....24 hrs is the best CURE! I DO NOT ENVY YOU,,,I hope it was worth the pain....Take care...

I heard a fry-up helps a hangover, not sure if it works though but a good excuse to have one!

I take half a glass of tomato juice and half a can of beer and drink til i get a buzz. Hair of the dog is the best way

i reckon it depends on what u have the night before...like as in, if u have cocktails, u shud feel fine the next day, coz i reckon the sugar helps u not get a hangover...thats what i think. but if u drink heaps of shots and on the rocks, then u'd be screwd the next day...
i wudnt suggest sucking on sugar syrup throughout the night though

Pure oxygen. Get a canister and a mask. Or a blood transfusion.


Water, ibuprofen not Aspirin, water, a banana to replace the potassium lose,, water and a B vitamin.

Say way from:

More alcohol
Greasy foods... Want proof? Fry up some bacon then add a shot or two of alcohol to it... not pretty.
Aspirin... It works through you liver and during a hangover you liver is in over drive. If you add Aspirin it will not only be processed out of your system incredibly fast but it could cause long term damage.
Sports drinks... One or two is OK, but they are high sodium.

The main cause of a hangover is dehydration from the alcohol. I drink Powerade, which has B vitamins, to replenish my body's B vitamins that were lost throughout the night. Powerade also has electrolytes that keep you hydrated. If my stomach can handle it (which most times it can't) I also try taking a multivitamin. Other than that, I just get as much rest as I can. I've tried drinking all kinds of stuff and Powerade always works best for me.

Try some cheese toast, sounds stupid but it's great!!! Just put a slice of cheese on some bread and stick it in the oven. My grandparents told me about it and now I do it too.

The best cure is Pedialyte, it's basically like Gatorade for kids when they are sick, it contains a fair amount of electrolytes to help you rehydrate. It'll be more expensive than gatorade or similar drinks, but it does work better. Gatorade/powerade or any of those will work also.

On a big night out I try to down an 8oz. glass of water for every 2 drinks. Eating before sleeping (not good for your diet plan) will give your belly a better means of pushing that alcohol through to your liver. I always take a multi and a B complex vitamin right before sleep and keep water on my nightstand for when I wake up with Cotton-mouth. A banana (potassium) in the am and a few big gulps of water 1st thing after rising. Then anything with caffeine will temporarily help ease that headache. And the kicker, nausea, the ONLY thing that I have found to help with the gut-rot is smoking some pot...

Go for the highest concentration of B vitaimins you can find in liquid form. Don't take Vitamin pills, you will throw them up. Try a Naked or Odwalla shake, a cup of coffee, a little pot, and then eat something. Once your food settles, get some exercise, but don't overdo it. Follow with a hot shower. And drink some water.

i know the last thing you wanna hear is more alcohol but lol try a bloody mary i hear it works wonders. And theyve got pills out now to solve hangovers the night before you get drunk or the morning of having one. Try going to your local big store such as Walmart or some where similar and look in the pharmacy area.

Try water while drinking and when you get home. Drink a full glass of water with two tylenol. It works!

you do three shots of something then drink a beer.

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