I am smoking the first time. Can someone give me a detailed instruction of how to smoke a cigarette?!

Question: I just got my first pack of Camel Turkish Silver cigarettes today. I am really not sure how I can smoke correctly. I head you usually don't inhale the first few puffs and you have to keep your mouth open to let air in to cool the smoke in your mouth before inhaling. I am a college student and I think cigarettes make you warm in the cold winter.

Answers: I just got my first pack of Camel Turkish Silver cigarettes today. I am really not sure how I can smoke correctly. I head you usually don't inhale the first few puffs and you have to keep your mouth open to let air in to cool the smoke in your mouth before inhaling. I am a college student and I think cigarettes make you warm in the cold winter.

If you're in college, then you should be smarter than to start smoking! Save your money & your health. Smoking is a disgusting habit! Yellow teeth & fingers, bad breath, smelly clothes & house, black lungs, smoker's hack, lung cancer, emphysema, throat & mouth cancer, standing outside to smoke, no money. What's appealing about any of it? Not to mention, most girls won't date you if you smoke.

Smoking is the stupidest thing you can possibly do. If you want to stay warm in the winter, stay inside instead of going outside to smoke!

For the life of me I don't know why anyone would want to start smoking. I smoked for years and I quit just before the holidays. It's one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. My doctor told me that it's harder for a person to quit cigarettes than it is for someone to get off from heroine. For your own good just garbage the smokes.

Dont even start bro, just dont, trust me.

You will end up 20 years later saying, "damn it why did i have that first one"

For your life, Dont.


Why ever would you start this disgusting and unhealthy habit! It is so very hard to quit (I used to smoke) and if you are REALLY smart you will throw that pack away and be so thankful that you do not have this habit!

YOu are then the dumbest college student ever... Smoking can kill you and you know it. Don't be stupid. Don't smoke.

This must be a wind up, how can anyone with any brain think of starting smoking. go visit a lung cancer ward and ask them how to start

Don't smoke.

Your a college student, you can't afford it! It kills you.

Cigarettes do not make you warm in cold weather. You are a college student, you should be smart enough to know smoking is not good for you in anyway. I do hope you stop soon.


This is what you do. Take the first cigarette out of the pack. Throw away the rest of the pack. Now, take the one cigarette you pulled out and look for a nearby garbage can. Hold it like you would a dart and try to toss it in the trash. Score! The crowd goes wild......but nobody is cheering more than your lungs. Trust me....

with all the research out there WHY would you want to start smoking, your just a plain idiot!! people are addicted to cigs and cant stop, it smells horrible, and causes so many health problems!



well they wont make you warmer in winter, especially when they've clogged your arteries up and made your circulation rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope you're just trying to wind us up!!!!!!!!

thought you youngsters always thought you knew best!! but now you've just proved to me that you dont!!!!!!

The only safe way to smoke is UNDERWATER!!!!!

Don't listen to these people, dude, smoke 'em up johnny!
Well, you have to put the cigarette in your mouth, then light the fire. Bring the flame to the end of the cigarette then inhale and that will turn the cigarette on. Then put the cigarette on your mouth and suck again, then exhale the smoke.

DAMN ldil that was detailed!!!
But he right... most importantly dont inhale like your smoking weed.


It is a disgusting and ugly habit. It is only designed to get you addicted and make a few rich people richer.

Especially as a college student, you can find better ways to spend your disposable money.

IF you need help to decide on what to do...Goggle the ingrediants of a cigarette.
I remember arsenic is one of them!

Don't start be smart... It's very easy to start and very hard to quit... I smoked for 10 year... when I decide to stop was very hard, not everyone can stop... Trust me don't try... It was the most stupid thing that I ever done.

If you have any sense at all you will put them in the bin and forget about them.Once you start it is very difficult to stop.

stick it up your bottom and try that. lighted end first that should keep you warm!!!

As an ex-smoker my advice is DON'T. Throw 'em away, give 'em away. Just don't light up.

I smoke and I want to quit. So the best advice I can give you is to quit now while you're not addicted. I started when I was 18 and am now 29. I once calculated how much i spend a month and ttruthfully I could buy a new car.

My advice....QUIT while you're ahead. I started smoking in college 10 years ago, and still haven't been able to quit. Don't do it.

Cigarettes do not make you warm in the winter. They contribute to many types of cancer, breathing problems, bad breath, a very expensive bad habit, it isn't good for your teeth ,the smoke leaves your clothes and hair smelling smokey. Many of your friends don't approve of smoking, it leaves a nasty brown film on everything, walls windows and ceiling. Believe me I've smoked for 37 years and have tried everything to stop, and haven't found anything yet, even prescription medication. I think you just need to layer your clothes to feel warmer in the cold weather, or turn up the heat, put a extra blanket on the bed, drink some coffee, tea or hot chocolate, take a nice steamy shower. Smoking does not keep you warmer, but every thing else I've listed will. Please stop before it's too late and you are hooked, you'll feel better in the long run.

It might kill people!...but it makes a good job of 'curing' bacon!...

1. Smack the top of the pack against the palm of your hand somewhat forcefully for a little bit.
This is called packing the cigarettes
2. Put the cigarette in your lips, the filter end of course!
3. Bring the lighter/match to the tobacco filled end of the cigarette.
4. Suck in, which will draw the flame to the cigarette
5. Now your cigarette is lit!
6. To enjoy: suck in again, and breath in a second time to inhale.

It is important to breathe in twice to inhale!

Don't smoke, it sucks and WILL NOT warm you up.

Yes, don't start

eww why would u smoke??

thats nasty! and no smoking does not make you cool!

if u WANT to smoke then do it. if ur a lil bit not sure about it then dont cuz u need to know that its not easy to quit .i guess the guys up there answered ur q about how to smoke. just lite the cig and inhale,thats all what it needs .

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