I have a alcohol test on this wed. and on sat. i drank 4 beers. will the alcohol be out of my system by then?!

Question: Yes.

Answers: Yes.

Yes, just drink a lot of water too flush your system out.

As long as you don't drink any more. The length of time after you finish drinking alcohol that it will still be in your system depends on how much you drank and the period of time in consideration. Generally speaking, people metabolize alcohol at the rate of 1/2 ounce per hour (that's half an ounce of absolute alcohol -- or one "standard" drink) -- roughly equivalent to: 12 ounces of beer, 10 ounces of micro-brew, 6 ounces of wine cooler (or hard lemonade), 1-1/4 ounces of 80-proof liquor or 4 ounces of wine. Therefore, if you consume three standard drinks -- regardless of how long it took you to drink them -- it would take you three hours to be completely free of alcohol. This should hopefully make it apparent that alcohol builds up in your body over time because the liver can only metabolize one an hour. That's why it is dangerous for people to "chug" alcohol or play drinking games. If you consume large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time, you can quickly get a toxic or lethal dose in your blood stream. Unfortunately, once it is absorbed from the gut (which occurs relatively quickly), there's nothing you can do to "get rid" of the alcohol except wait for it to be metabolized by the liver.

no! but don't drink untill the test is over...

Sounds like you and alcohol do not mix. It can be a slow death to be an alcoholic. Stop using and you should not have any testing issues. Think of the money you could save over a lifetime if you did not drink! In the mean time I am sure that you will be fine for your test but it is best to stop trying to beat the system. Think for yourself not with your buddies brains!

yes. 24 hours is what u need

It depends what kind of "alcohol test" it is...ethanol is metabolized in your liver and each drink is 'gone' in four to eight hours, but if you drink regularly, the usual 'alcohol test' to confirm someone has not been drinking is a liver chemistry test; regular heavy drinkers have elevated liver enzyme levels (bilrubin) that may not "come down" for months after they quit drinking (if they CAN quit drinking)...

Good luck!

yes beer makes me piss so much it is out in like 2 days tops and u didn't drink that much

yes!, it only takes 24 hrs. to be out of your system, make sure to drink alot of water and do stuff that will make u sweat just in case u havent sweat-ed all the alcochol out.

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