Didn't you know!!!?? you can be sober for a year & still be an alcoholic?!


Didn't you know!!!?? you can be sober for a year & still be an alcoholic?

Yeah it's true, alot of people don't know that tho, some people think an alcoholic is someone who drinks first thing in the mornings! or they say 'I'm not an alcoholic! I don't drink every day!' but you can be sober for many years & your still an alcohoilc, there is no just thing as an X-alcoholic. It's a desease at the end of the day! Admitting it is the first step to recovery tho : )

I'm an alcoholic


gerard way is sober...i dont know if he smokes but he drinks on occasions! i love him!

Heard it: doubt it.

sure do

I think most addicts still consider themselves addicts no matter how long they have been sober.

yeah, you're forever an alcoholic albiet recovering or an active alcoholic.

Yep you are always an alcoholic

Alcoholic means you crave drinking; so if you have no drank in a year and still feel the need for it then yes.

Yes I know-I am a recovering alcoholic with over 20 years free from alcohol through the grace of God and AA.

I knew that, have alcoholic parents. Been to many a dull AA meeting in my life. Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic is a common saying


Once you are one...you will always be one. Its a lifetime challenge.

Everyone knows that. When you are an alcoholic, it's not something that goes away. A heroine addict that used for 2 years and stopped for 30 is still an addict. I can't believe you didn't know that... Go to AA/NA they will tell you too.

you can be sober your entire life and be an alcoholic, its genetic whether or not u drink or no doesnt make any difference.

What are you saying ? Someone suggested I join AA, but I'm no quitter so I told them to drop dead.

you are always an alcoholic. either recovering or active, but still an alcoholic.

Yes. If you are diagnosed as an alcoholic, whether you are drinking or not doesn't come into play. It is a matter of staying "dry" after that.

once you are an alcoholic you never stop being one. Its a disease you live with and battle the rest of your life

oh no...so if i dont drink tea for a year i am still tea total??

That is absollutly true, in fact some experts says than an alcoholic is going to be an alcoholic for the rest of his life, but if he knows that he has a powerfull weapon againts the alcohol cause he would be in alert everytime and he won't even taste (drink) a little of an alcoholic drink

Once an alcoholic ,always an alcoholic.

Waddaya mean? I'm as jober as a sudge.

Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic...just a matter of recovering or not.

Yes indeed. In fact, once an alcoholic, always one. A drunk ,however, is not a drunk unless he is drunk.

Dry and sober is best and healthier. You cannot help the addiction, but you can help what you do with it.

yea your an alco for life

yes that is true

Yes, I know that.

Yep, I have always heard once an alcoholic always one whether you ever drink again or not.

If you are an alcoholic yes you can be in recovery the rest of your life and still be an alcoholic. And for those who are alcoholic they are always one drink away from relapse. There are alcoholics and those who abuse. There is a difference. God bless****

Yeah if and wen u admit to urself u are an alcholic and go to meetings and hav to stop drinkin, u will always classed as an alcholic, wheather u are sober for a year or 20.

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