What works best to mask alcohol breath?!

Question: OK Finally my history class pays off for something! During prohibition they tried various types of things to mask the smell of alcohol. Stay away from gums with sugars or Listerine as sugars enhance the smell of alcohol and Listerine CONTAINS alcohol. There was specifically a gum made of the root of ginger i believe ( sorry history class was soooo freaking boring!) It doesnt naturally contain any sugars and the strong smell helped cover the smell. But since you probably wont be carrying around ginger root with you when you drink, and the gum they used the make during the prohibition they stopped making. you are kinda out of luck... V8 works great though and you only need a few sips. And its gotten me past my mom many times in highschool!

Answers: OK Finally my history class pays off for something! During prohibition they tried various types of things to mask the smell of alcohol. Stay away from gums with sugars or Listerine as sugars enhance the smell of alcohol and Listerine CONTAINS alcohol. There was specifically a gum made of the root of ginger i believe ( sorry history class was soooo freaking boring!) It doesnt naturally contain any sugars and the strong smell helped cover the smell. But since you probably wont be carrying around ginger root with you when you drink, and the gum they used the make during the prohibition they stopped making. you are kinda out of luck... V8 works great though and you only need a few sips. And its gotten me past my mom many times in highschool!

You can't mask it.

Sucking pennies

I have heard that chewing on fresh parsley works well.

big red, cinnamon is the strongest smelling gum!!!!!

Parsley and gums work to an extent, but with booze breath there is really nothing you can do to completely mask it. Maybe just consider not drinking when you are in a situation where you feel you would have to hide the fact that you have been drinking!


How about not drinking in the first place?

If you can drink with out worrying about boozy breath... then it's ok to drink... when you have to worry about it... then maybe it's time to think twice...

Glad this isn't posted in the pregnancy section.... hope it doesn't end up there...

I'm not really sure sucking on pennies will mask alcohol breath but I KNOW _most_ mouthwashes _-*CONTAIN*-_ ALCOHOL! I think they ALL do except the alcohol free varieties.

Vincent Reagan

I wouldn't suck on pennies. Those things are so filthy, you could get seriously ill by doing so. Even brand new ones!! They've still been touched by strangers' hands.

I would recommend drinking a lot of water, brushing your teeth and chewing the gum. As mentioned before; if you need to be somewhere where it's frowned upon to have booze breath.. don't drink!

peanut butter

fritos or cornuts

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