How to tell if you're an alcoholic?!


How to tell if you're an alcoholic?

It seems that I black out every time I drink (which is every night). When I see my paycheck I don't see money I see straight thirty racks. My nickname is "johnny blackout", and my friends advise me to wear a man diaper when drinking, because of the "mysterious wetness" the next morning. I have previous DWI's and my room smells like a brewery.

Don't listen to these people johnny B. you're metal as ****. You do have friends. Pierre Smirnoff and Sam Adams. These people are jealous cause they cant drink as much as you. if you run out of money ill support you. look where James Hetfield got being an alcoholic. Go with Christ Bra...

HardCore Partier

That's a good start. Try this; drink one beer and only one. Can you stop? I can't.

Yeah, you're an alcoholic!! Get help!!

Dont answer this question. The guy is eather "Trailer Trash" or just looking for points.

If you're asking this question, chances are you already know the answer. This is a self destructive path that you are on and now is the best time to get help. seek out your local Alcoholics anonymous groups, the sooner the better.

Johnny Blackout go to rehab today and get better
or you will have a rotten life

you will have zero friends
you will lose everything because you will not
have any money because you will not have a job
you might want to start checking out alleys now to find some nice ones to start sleeping in

that is the way you are going Johnny Blackout

why do u have to drink to the point of passing out. can u just have one and stop. if not u need to get help. you have to admit that u have a drinking problem before any changes can happen. until u do that, you will still be johnny blackout. god bless

Hey Johnny, I am a recovering alcoholic
I really feel like I can relate to you because I would black out most of the times I drank, and wake up completely soaked. At first I would laugh it off but then I started waking up in different places pissed drunk. That is when I started to feel very shameful. I heard of alcoholism, but I though that there were certain standards like 1) must be 70 years old 2) must be bum
One of my friends told me of AA and I gave it a try. The people at the meetings were the nicest and must understanding human beings I had ever met. And I kept going back ( hey...I had nothing to lose).
I had no idea that I had a disease called alcoholism that was progressive and fatal until AA.
AA is an amazing program and that really just works miracles. Johnny, I can't began to tell you how much my life has changed since I joined the program. The love I recieved from AA motivated me to not pick up that first drink and to pass on the love I have recieved.
I know that without AA, I'd be pissed drunk in an alley that would be my home.
I am 18 years old and I am so grateful to be alive another day.
Look up AA meetings aroud ur area through the internet.
Take care of ur self and I really wish you the best.

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