Why do people enjoy getting drunk?!

Question: I do drink and have been drunk before, only tipsy though, but after watching loads of people on a night out in town saturday it made me wonder what the joy is in being so drunk and out of your head?

Answers: I do drink and have been drunk before, only tipsy though, but after watching loads of people on a night out in town saturday it made me wonder what the joy is in being so drunk and out of your head?

The joy of release from consciousness, responsibility, thought, inhibitions, adulthood - everything really!

But sadly the effects are temporary and the return to reality often more unpleasant, embarrassing, guilt-ridden, time-wasting and sometimes much more emotionally painful than the alternative of maintaining sobriety all along.

Having been a drinker, often a heavy one, for over 39 of the past 40 years of my life I can claim - AT LAST - some expertise in comparing the nature of the sober with the inebriated life style.

Few experiences are more offputting than to remain happy and participative, but totally sober, in the company of a group of highly intelligent friends as they become increasingly drunk, inarticulate and endlessly repetitive of (and laughing insanely at) the same garbled material by the end of the night!

If you've never tried this, have a very good excuse not to drink alcohol (on just one night out with friends when you normally would) and see if you don't agree with me!

But don't judge, criticise or feel superior to your friends in any way - after all, it has been and probably will again be YOU!

oty xxx

so you don't have to be sober and see people in a sober way,usually when you get drunk your fearless

get drunk for real and u will know


It's the easiest, legal way to run from themselves and any problems that they may be facing, conciously or otherwise.

i dont understand it either i dont like being like that i like to know what im doing.

i cant remember

It's so us drunks can still think you're sexy, even though you're probably not.

Hola, bebe, te saluda un latino que quiere onocer mujeres extranjeras bonitas pero que quieran disfrutar de la vida

becuase people see it as cool, and also becuase they feel fearless, tough, and they can let go of all their worries. I personally do not like it, but i think that i know why people do it. Some people think that they will be accepted if they do it. Alcohol is also a drug, and becoming drunk makes a feeling that is often desired, and people become addicted to alcohol.

Because it is great fun.

There's different levels of drunkeness which are good/bad for different reasons. I agrre though that it's a revelation going sober through a city street on a Saturday night when people are falling over and urinating like animals, completely not themselves (or are they?).

I get drunk alone for a few reasons, usually to feel less inhibited about writing. Eventually I get dead drunk to sleep.

If I'm out with mates it's for a good time and though I drink a lot I can usually snap back into sobriety if the need arises, ie I don't get legless, and I get home safely.

I like a few drinks with someone I don't know very well, a session if it's business because when someone's drunk they tell the truth.

Honestly- and this will probably sound stupid- but I like to drink because it loosens me up and helps me relieve stress. I can have fun when I am not drinking and its not like I get totally drunk all the time but it is fun once and a while. I don't like getting so drunk that you wake up the next morning and can't remember anything- that is not fun (plus I usually end up sick when I get that drunk and that's not fun either)

its fun just merry drunk but not off your face thats horrible

cuz u feel good and it maked u relaxed.... its to have a good time u should really try it

Alcohol alters the state of mind, it helps us loosen up from a hard day's work . It brings ppl together for a merry gd time.

Try entering a club sober and then try entering a club tipsy. Feel e music n environment its breathtaking the difference.


people like getting drunk beacause it sometimes helps them forget their worries

not getting drunk so much as losing your inhibitions and relaxing....... some people just dont know when to stop or slow down and before they know it, they are piss drunk!!

gives u something to do on the cold nights

Stress release? Lowers the British reserve? I used to get so drunk and out of my head because I was an alcoholic, now I'm 5 years sober thank god!!

to get high and very high..................

ive got in some bad states, at the time you feel great come out of your shell and dance and act stupid,but the day after you feel rough and when you bump into people ,and they say you were sick its embarrasing .my advice is stay tipsy not drunk you will feel better

i get drunk becuase im a student and its the law! lmao! no im joking! really i get drunk becuase i like the taste of the alchol and it helps me to destress! everyone has different reasons to get drunk, my drinking partenr likes toget drunk becuase he comes out with funny things, random stuff that hewouldnt noramlly say! howver my bf doesnt like drinking so he finds a different way to relieve stress ie playing on his ps3 going 4 a drive, i think that some people should really not drink! this is beucase they get violent etc and become aggressvie! which is out ov order! but for the others (like me) i just like the tase and enjoy the music down town, etc...

and i dont get hangvoers which is a bonus! :D x

because in britain its the only thing that keeps us sane for the way things are going we wont be able to afford it with the way taxes on it are going enjoy while you can

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