Snakebite...Lager or Cider in first, i dont want a smoothie kind of froth do i.?!


Snakebite...Lager or Cider in first, i dont want a smoothie kind of froth do i.?

Cider first, then lager every time. Been doing this for 10 years now - if you put the cider in first, you are guaranteed not to froth over when putting the lager in!

Whichever is fizziest which I suppose is cider.

Cider first and give it a good stir to take some of the fizz out, then add the lager slowly! Perfect snakebite every time!

Dont think it makes any difference which goes in first..........ive not had one of those in years. :)

Put the cider in first and either gently pour in the lager or, before you do that, fizz up the cider with a spoon.

It's easy enough to pour, just take your time.

Lager first, then cider as its less frothy and tames the lager fizz. Always tilt your glass when pouring. Golden rule.

cider in first, cause you can have it with bottled lager, but I'm not sure if a snakebite isn't with bitter, not lager

Cider first - make sure you tip the glass when adding the lager.

Always lager first

Lager, Cider then a dash of Blackcurrant!

Right listen carefully coz this is important.

50 % Special Brew
50% Westons cider ( sold in supermarkets in a demijohn)

Cider goes in first coz you dont want a head on it.

That is the strongest and nicest snake bite i have come across.

Lager in first and then a DRY cider and finally a double dash of blackcurrant cordial.

Before hitting my rock bottom and coming to terms with my alcohol addiction it would always be Cider first - topped up with a premium lager, and if it looked as though it was a pint of liquid protein so much the better.

I can't remember which; maybe thats the problem. After drinking a few of these neither will you!! or care!

Not this one again! Put the cider in first. And before we we get the usual claptrap about it's potency, it's just the sum of it's parts!

Alcohol is alcohol, it doesn't increase in strength when you mix it.

cider deffo

Lager in first then blackcurrant then the Cider. Cider doesn't have a head on it so you won't get a froth if you do it this way although you might end up with a killer hangover!!

Don't forget to put the snake ..... I know this is a smart alec comment .... just could not resist it ... :-) ... Peace ....

cider first: let it settle (almost no bubbles) then add the lager on a tilt so that it doesn't froth too much

Lager in first, then vodka, then cider.

Happy stomach pumping

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