Why cant young people drink alcohol?!

Question: I personally really like alcohol.. i have dried rum and coke, margaritas, guiness, other kinds of beer, mudslides, wine coolers....and i am only 14... and i have tried these under adult supervision.

I have not once gotten drunk. I enjoy the taste of these drinks but i know how to control myself... Why cant teens like me .. legally drink.. i mean.. if we only like the taste.. why not?

oh and dont say like nonalchoholic beer.. that tastes nothing like the real thing

Answers: I personally really like alcohol.. i have dried rum and coke, margaritas, guiness, other kinds of beer, mudslides, wine coolers....and i am only 14... and i have tried these under adult supervision.

I have not once gotten drunk. I enjoy the taste of these drinks but i know how to control myself... Why cant teens like me .. legally drink.. i mean.. if we only like the taste.. why not?

oh and dont say like nonalchoholic beer.. that tastes nothing like the real thing

We are allowed - from the age of 5.
We're just not allowed to purchase alcohol or drink it in pubs, as even lots of people over 18 can't control how much they drink.

keep drinking with your family. you'll laugh your *** of at all the assholes in college who like to drink 20 miller lites and piss their pants.


Because most teens are really really stupid and get drunk and do awful stupid things. That's why we have an age requirement in America. Other countries are more lenient. I know some adults do stupid things too, but they are more likely to be responsible.

Just because you can control it, doesn't mean everybody else can.

Not that people over 21 can control it all the time, however at least in that case they are responsible for themselves.

because not all of u can control the amount of drinks they have to drink, and maybe also it may affect their brain, coz its not fully developed yet...

because they are too young to understand..

I agree with you. There are people out there who can hold their own and simply enjoy drinking for the sake of the drink. However, most children of your age can't handle themselves enough not to get drunk. At this early of an age, crucial parts of your brain are still developing which could be seriously messed up with too much alcohol consumption (like getting drunk as little as once every other week). Yeah having a drink every now and then won't hurt. So long as you are under adult supervison you should be fine.

IT'S THE LAW! Another reason is because there are adults who cannot handle their alcohol. They started drinking right around the age you are. Now nothing is going to change the law so you're just going to have to wait until you are 21.

because you are still a child and not completely accountable for your actions, nor do you have full understanding what the negative effects can be. Don't try and tell me you do. Alcohol can be dangerous, honestly, I have been a bartender for years now. On that note I just went to a funeral today that alcohol was related.

Your brain and body are not fully developed yet no matter how much you say it is or how responsible you pretend to be.

Also to...most kids are dumb enough as it is. Don't let alcohol ruin your life like it has for so MANY other people.

You'll have stroke at a young age and end up in a wheelchair or something.

Legalities aside (i.e., adults have decided that teens can not control themselves, the age limit was raised and alcohol related car wrecks declined...drastically....) there is one major medical reason: alcohol is detrimental to the teenage brain, to an point where it impacts learning capability forever. If you have to drink, don't and if you have to drink, please keep it to one (two a day for women drastically increase breast cancer chances), and if you have to drink, please think twice!

i thought you were 16 and pregnant....

it is because of all of the other people out there, young or old who can't do anything without making an idiot of themselves, that screw it up for the rest of us.
and that's true for anything.
look at any warning on any product that has one. it's there because some dumb butt tried it.

um ur only 14 yrs old and thats wayy tooo young

yeah young people can drink if they can handle alcohol without acting like a retard. I've seen alot of young people drink 3 beer and pretended they were loaded. hahaah funny. Well my dear, keep drinking, but don't let it control your life!


I know many young adults who are very mature, but there is more then moral, religious, and political reasons why underage, young adults should not drink alcohol. Scientifically or medically speaking, alcohol has the ability of causing problems for adults such as, mental disorders.

"A growing body of evidence on alcohol's effects shows that just one drink can impair learning and memory in both young animals and young humans, but has no memory effect on adults, according to researchers from Duke University Medical Center and the Durham VA Medical Center."

Scientific evidence shows that even the occasional drink has the possibility to impair a young persons memory more so then it does for an adult. Young brains are still growing and they are built to learn. Under the influence of alcohol, young brains are unable to learn using their full potential.

So you may like the occasional sip from an adults glass, however, it is really only hurting you in the long run! Before you know it, you will be 21 and will wish to be 14 again, well I do at least!!!! Don't rush your life, you will get their some day...

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