Will drinking vinegar get you drunk?!


Will drinking vinegar get you drunk?

No, i believe it has the opposite effect. it also supposedly cleans your system out.

Don't think so, but it will surely make you sick!

Why not try it and let us know, genius.

nope cos vinegar is ethanoic acid not ethanol which is an alcohol.
bet it'd make u very sick tho

Vinegar is nothing more or less than an alcoholic beverage which has gone sour. In fact, that is exactly what the roots of the word mean, coming from the French vin, meaning wine, and aigre, meaning sour.140 When alcoholic beverages sour it is the act of certain bacteria, known as acetobacter, on alcohol, turning it to acetic acid and water. It is the alcohol gone acid which gives us the taste which we associate with vinegar. It is the other elements, specific to the actual source of the original alcohol, which give the vinegar its individual character and body.

Vinegar was known to the Egyptians and it was drunk by Caesar's armies. Hippocrates prescribed the drinking of vinegar for his patients in ancient Greece.

not at all.

Probably not, but it might give you a really bad case of heartburn.

um not at all

Well considering there is no alcohol in vinegar... no.

Nope, commercial vinegar is alcohol free.

You wont be drunk but you will have a clean system but be sick as hell. Some people drink it when they have to take a drug test but not the whole damm bottle !

No. There's no alcohol in vinegar. It's a mild acid. Drinking a lot would make you sick, I'm sure.

Sick, clean bladder and oh your under-pants will be so CLEAN.
Vinegar is used to clean those 'Stains'
But not drunk.

Nope, sorry. But I think if you drink like 2 tbsp of vinegar per day, it will help you lose weight.

no i dont think so go and find out for me

Well one night I came home and had had one drink out somewhere...I was sitting chatting with my mom drinking apple cider and found I was getting drunk...when I told mom that I was more drunk now then when I came home and was puzzled...when she learned that I had a drink early...she said the alcohol was fermenting the apple cider as I drank it...and then she laughed at me...so if the vinegar is apple cider vinegar I think so for sure you could get drunk...not so sure with white vinegar. But it stands to reason the if vinegar comes from grapes...then it is more than possible.

No; vinegar doesn't contain alcohol. Might make you throw up, but not from a hangover ;-)

no. but it is a natural diuretic. you will pee a lot!!, this causes a depletion of potassium, which can cause an electrolyte imbalance that can trigger a heart attack. i would not suggest vinegar for weight loss, with out a dr's advice and plenty of potassium

source: my mother in law was over weight and used the vinegar. she had a heart attack, caused from electrolyte imbalance and is no longer in the land of the living.

When wine becomes vinegar, the alcahol has evaporated and is left with Acid. You drink vinegar... you will have so bad tummy problems you wouldnt know what happend

i wouldn't try it, it might make you want to throw up.

No, It will get you sick!!

even if it did, don't think you could get that far. you'd puke before you finished your first "shot."

I am not sure you would want to drink enough to try. Could you even swallow it? I was going to give you a well thought out answer, but after reading Ken's answer, I think he has got it covered... I am kind of getting the chills thinking about it.

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