What % alcohol in regular beer?!
What % alcohol in regular beer?
what is industry standard for pct of alcohol in american beer
As a mean standard 5%.
They are all diffent so no easy answer. But as fars as Budweiser products go. Bud Light is 4.2%, Budweiser is 5% and Bud Ice is 5.5%. Busch is 4.6%, Busch light is 4.2% and Busch light is 5.9%. Natural Beer is 4.9%, Natural light is 4.2% and Natural Ice is 5.9%.
6% for domestic
3% for near beer
pre packaged is 5.5%-7.5%
most states require a minimum of 6% alcohol by volumn to be classed as a beer, less than 6% is "near or low alcohol beer"
Typically, American craft beers fall between 4.5% and 6%, American macro (cheap) beers fall between 3.5% and 5%, and European beers fall between 3.5% and 5.5%. This is very approximate, however, as beer can be much higher or lower. In fact, many barleywines are around 11%, with some styles topping at 14% (at which point the alcohol kills the yeast). However, Samuel Adams Utopias is 25.6%--the strongest beer ever produced (with specially bred alcohol-resistent yeast).
The comment about beer being required to be over 6% is not correct. In fact, beer over 6% is relatively uncommon. The four most popular craft beers in the U.S. are all under 6%: Fat Tire (5.6%), Sierra Nevada (5.6%), Sam Adams Boston Lager (4.75%), and Sam Adams Light (4%). Some states prohibit beer that is OVER a certain percentage--such as the multitude of so-called "3.2 states", which prohibit beers over 3.2% by weight (4.0% by volume). To qualify as low-alcohol, a beer must be below 0.5% abv in the U.S. and 1.0% abv in Europe.
usually 5 or 5.5%