People force drink on me??!


People force drink on me??

i don't really drink,I don't mind the occasional light beer but for gods sake if my friend does not stop plying me with drink, i will have to break his face. he ordered unfeasably unhealthy drinks.

i had to tell him to knock it off twice. what to do??

Explain to him that he needs to buy you a steak dinner before you can drink all this liquor he's plying you with..

Actually, he's not much of a friend if he's trying to force you to drink. Maybe not going out to drinking establishments with him would be a good start..

54 years life experience, dry for the past 15

don't drink it. after like 15 undrank drinks ( that's right, undrank), he'll get bored of wasting his money.

He does it to get a rise out of you. so don't rise.

Walk away and forget about this person. It sounds like this person is not worth
the trouble. If he respected you, he would respect the fact that you don't want to
drink. You need to find a new friend. He obviously doesn't listen.

Find a better friend. I have friends who don't drink but I don't even ask them; it's rude.

don't meet him

Tell him he is lucky he has a DD and he needs to buy you whatever your heart desires!

Tell him that it's fine, you will drink with him. Tell him you will "fly if he buys." If he swallows the hook so far, you have several options. Have the bartender fill your shot with water instead of liquer and pocket the cash. Have the bartender give you rum and cokes but hold the rum and pocket the cash. Or drop stuff into his drinks to mess with him. (nothing deadly...) Or and this is my favorite, pocket all of the cash and leave. This cat is not your friend, he is an a$@hole...

Stand up for yourself and don't fall into the trap of peer pressure. You don't have to drink what your friend puts in front of you. Tell him thanks, but you're going to decline. Eventually, he'll get the idea. If he keeps ordering them, then give them away to somebody else.

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