What is your favorite brand of beer and why?!

Question: Tough question to answer.

Westvleteren Abt 12 is indeed heavenly, though I've only had the pleasure of enjoying it once.

I would say that right now being on a Quadrupel kick in general, that Rochefort 10 would be my number one more easily accessible beer. It might not be quite as good as The Westvleteren Abt 12, bur it's pretty darn close.

Honestly my favorite beers and breweries are ever changing, as I'll drink anything if it's well made.

Just last month I was on a American IPA kick and I would've taken Bell's Two Hearted Ale over anything else in the world.

The glorious thing about beer and it's a shame that so few people realize this, is that there are so many different varieties, that there truly is something out there for everyone.

Other notable beers that I love and would recommend to anyone:... most of which at one time or another were my quote un quote "favorite" include:

La Fin Du Monde (really the entire Unibroue line, though The La Fin's my personal favorite)
Chimay Grand Reserve
Most any German Hefeweizen in the summer... seriously people say that Corona and the ilk are refreshing in the Summer.. give me a Paulaner Hefe Weizen, Weihenstephaner or a Schneider Weisse anyday
Bell's Two Hearted Ale
Boulevard "The Sixth Glass" Quad
Rodenbach Grand Cru
Arrogant Bastard Ale
Ruination Double IPA
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout
Samuel Smith's Imperial Porter.

While I could go on for sometime, the list above shows what I was saying above. Beer is truly glorious. The fact that at one point or another, nearly all those beers were thought of as my 'go to' beer... shows as much.

Answers: Tough question to answer.

Westvleteren Abt 12 is indeed heavenly, though I've only had the pleasure of enjoying it once.

I would say that right now being on a Quadrupel kick in general, that Rochefort 10 would be my number one more easily accessible beer. It might not be quite as good as The Westvleteren Abt 12, bur it's pretty darn close.

Honestly my favorite beers and breweries are ever changing, as I'll drink anything if it's well made.

Just last month I was on a American IPA kick and I would've taken Bell's Two Hearted Ale over anything else in the world.

The glorious thing about beer and it's a shame that so few people realize this, is that there are so many different varieties, that there truly is something out there for everyone.

Other notable beers that I love and would recommend to anyone:... most of which at one time or another were my quote un quote "favorite" include:

La Fin Du Monde (really the entire Unibroue line, though The La Fin's my personal favorite)
Chimay Grand Reserve
Most any German Hefeweizen in the summer... seriously people say that Corona and the ilk are refreshing in the Summer.. give me a Paulaner Hefe Weizen, Weihenstephaner or a Schneider Weisse anyday
Bell's Two Hearted Ale
Boulevard "The Sixth Glass" Quad
Rodenbach Grand Cru
Arrogant Bastard Ale
Ruination Double IPA
Dogfish Head World Wide Stout
Samuel Smith's Imperial Porter.

While I could go on for sometime, the list above shows what I was saying above. Beer is truly glorious. The fact that at one point or another, nearly all those beers were thought of as my 'go to' beer... shows as much.

boddingtons ale, its good

the beast light because it's $10.99 a 30 pack

Most people have never heard of it... Well, those outside of the beer advocacy community... It is Westvleteren Abt 12. Why you ask... The smell contains sweet malts... honey... raisin... sour dough bread. The taste is orgasmic. Sweet, bready and malty with an after taste of raisin or fruit and spices. A wonderful Earthiness to it. And the mouthfeel is smooooth as a babies ars. Perfect carbonation level. Perfect consistency.

As for your common beers... That is tough. I've never found a Young's Double Chocolate I didn't like. It smells of dark roasted malts and bitter sweet chocolate. The taste is much the same as the smell with just the slightest hint of coffee/chocolate bitter. The mouth beers is thick and silky with little carbonation. But honestly my favorite everyday beers changes depending on my mood. Next month is may be a Lambic again.

Although I don't drink beer often at all, I prefer either Coors Light or free! (Nothing taste better than free beer!) LOL!

Miller Lite because it's just like me; good, but cheap.

corona!!! its sexy its gold its tropical. and if guys like blondes then there you go drink a blonde!

I like small craft beers, especially India Pale Ales, Porters and Stouts. A good wheat beer is nice in the summer. A favorite brewery of mine is O'dells out of Ft. Collins, CO.

Blue moon, I like the orange flavor

Corona....But i also like a beer called Steel Reserve...it comes in a 24 ounce can and its only a dollar but it is a high gravity malt liquor and its like 8% alc. volume so its a little bit stronger. I also like Miller Lite!

I love Heineken. Elegant bubbles, not too soft, not too strong, a faint scent of bitter, its taste doesn't saturate your mouth or nose, inviting for the next sip, it doesn't require to be ice cold in order to enjoy it and it's brewed using authentic beer ingredients. Now I must leave, I need that beer.

Special Brew it gets you pissed quick and cheap

Oh man... that's a hard one.

If I had to pick my favorite American brand I'd be torn between Three Floyd's and Dogfish Head Brewing both of whom make several superb and diverse beers IMO. I guess I like them because they are two breweries which I feel are constantly progressive while maintaining a quality product. If somebody asked me what the future of beer was I would point to one of those breweries.

Internationally but excluding America I'd probably go with Brasserie d'Achouffe or Mikkeller. In areas wrought with traditional ways I feel that they are open to new ideas all the while maintaining a traditional approach.

blue moon, taste

Budweiser select..it's light and good and also cheap

Miller lite, because I can drink a whole bunch of them!

Orval Trappist Ale, available in a small green, tear shaped bottle. Lovely complex flavour, a dry palate but not flavourless, nice bitterness and the aroma is just delightful to me!
Mayor Adam West is onto another good Trappist product for another brewery.
Oh and wheat beers like Hoegaarden from Belgium are great hot weather beers.

Rochefort Trappistes 8

Victory Storm King Imperial Stout

Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout

No those are some beers worth drinking, although I haven't tried the Westy 12 yet.

Guiness.. it is really strong and that bitter but then sweet after taste.. i love it.

Steel Reserve or Natural Ice, Why cheap and has a kick....

Dutch gold, only sold in Ireland its 8 euro for 8 500ml cans and it tastes good

I hate beer.....taste like panther piss.

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