Whats the best way for an underaged person to obtain alcohol?!


Whats the best way for an underaged person to obtain alcohol?

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3 months ago
I'm sorry if you do not agree with my decision but it is my way of life so dont answer if your just going to say "You'll get yourself into trouble!" and b/s like that.

3 months ago
I'm sorry if you do not agree with my decision but it is my way of life so dont answer if your just going to say "You'll get yourself into trouble!" and b/s like that.

blow jobs
or ask someone old enough nicely (messing about the bj thing)

There is no best way.....

Find someone who is 21 or older, befriend them, offer them something like $10.00 to buy alcohol for you. Just make sure that this person will not just take all your money and never give you the alcohol.

find a pull (older cousin, sibling, etc.) or find a bum

on his way---can't do it legally, but a parent can buy it--just stay home and drink it

well there is no best way your only getting people into trouble if you get caught why not wait until your of age you ll have plenty of time to drink then

steal lol i dunno

Just find someone who is 21 that you know and ask them nicely to buy beer for you as long as you give them money.


In a dumpster.

I'm not condoning this in any way, but....

Get some out of your parent liquor cabinet. I got my first real sip of alcohol other than champagne/wine that way. Never more than a sip though, since all they have that's open is some whisky, and champagne cognac, both of which are pretty nasty, and my mom's cooking sherry.

Or, get some while on vacation in a country where the legal drinking age is lower. For example, my family is from Taiwan so we go there often. During a summer camp especially for overseas Chinese (mostly with backgrounds in Taiwan) college age kids, many kids went out to buy alcohol fairly often since the legal drinking age in Taiwan is 18. I was old enough to do so but I'd never had more than a few sips before and was too "scared" to have any. A year or so later, I've had many glasses of wine thanks to my uncle who is something of a wine connoisseur.

But by far the best way is to wait until you're legal. Really. Don't drink.

Be responsible. Don't drive drunk. Don't binge drink.

Sorry. Just got done watching and Law & Order SVU episode dealing with underage drinking.

On another note, in about 17 days I'll be legal!

There is not a best way...pretty much anyway you do it could land you in a lot of trouble and the person that got it for you...

Out side of raiding the fridge and hoping your parents don't catch on...anything else could be jail time to the one who gave it to you in many states...

There are a lot of reasons why this is a bad question, but you don't want some one to go into the legal problems that happen when people under 21 are caught and people over 21 are caught buying alcohol for people. One way would be to get your folks to buy it for you and your friends and drink yourselves silly at home. The next would be to head to a Mexican border town, check into the best motel in town, go to a bar where the customers are all turisits and drink beer and shots. Make sure you are sober before you try to cross the border again, or watch out.
Now the warnings...
Yes getting drunk is cool if it has been kept a mystery from you and everyone is doing it. If you think the liquor laws are dumb, go to or call your local liquor store and ask the manager or the owner what will happen if they get caught selling to minors. Ask your neighborhood cop or go to your city hall and look at the statutes. There are fines, loss of licenses and livelyhoods, jail time. Besides until the body stops growing, around age 25, alcohol can and will damage the brain and other organs.

Beer Run!!! or just go to a ghetto gas station and get your oldest looking friend to buy some beer and just say he forgot his ID most of the time they say whatever just bring it next time

i get the guys at my work to buy it for me lol

u must be like 10 to ask this question on the computer. if u want it bad enough go get it. ur wasting valuable time right now u could already be getting drunk!

I am not going to tell you not to do it. Just make sure when you do it I am around doing a minor sting operation. Would love to see your face when mommy comes to bail you out. LOL

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