How much max quantity of beer a guy 27 yrs and girl 24 yrs should take daily?!

Question: i take more than 36 oz of beer daily. is that harmful?? I consume Budweiser select. what might be the dis-advantages if I take more???

Answers: i take more than 36 oz of beer daily. is that harmful?? I consume Budweiser select. what might be the dis-advantages if I take more???

any kind of daily alcohol consumption is harmful, no matter what brand you're drinking. you could be drinking more - i've known some people that would drink whole cases in a night. but, like i said, any kind of daily consumption isn't good. the max quantity the two of you CAN drink all depends on your tolerance, body weight and how much you ate beforehand.

the only main complications you have to worry about are are issues that can occur with your liver. most alcohol is very high in empty calories, which contributes to weight gain - which has its own issues.

beer is delicious, as far as i am concerned go ahead and drink more and more

Yes; this is the sign of a drinking problem. Only alcoholics or those succumbing to peer pressure drink daily.

there is no max or min in fact but consider the facts .... excissive alcohol in ones body harms our liver slow down our reflex n bad hangover ....

So 3-4 beers a day right? There is nothing wrong with that if you are controlling the time at which you drink it.

I drink somewhere between 2-4 beers a night, that's if i feel like drinking. Which is the majority of the time :)

You may gain weight if your not active during the day.

One way to gauge is to monitor your intake. If over time you start increasing the amount are drinking now it probably means you need to start looking at it. The problems with drinking in excess are developing a drinking problem, liver problems, and weight issues. There is no magic amount that is bad. A problem, or lack of one, is an individual thing. Lots of people consume a daily amount of alcohol and are not considered alcoholics.

*YUp !!!!! Drink daily & get a beer belly !!!!
At yr ages, i dont think u people want a hanging abdomen ..... do u ? ugh !!!!
Keep drinking for special occassions or for the weekends only !!!!

you will get fat and impotence with this speed. Reduce it

its not harmful,beer is natural drink,nothing bad is gonna happen to u,keep drinking.except it can create a beer belly after few years :P

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