Whts better?water out the tap or water out a bottle(i have acne)mild?!


Whts better?water out the tap or water out a bottle(i have acne)mild?

i usaly drink water out the tap mainly,im from scotland(ayrshire)and my dad said its fine to drink scottish water its the best lol.im 18

Just drink tap water. I have a nasty feeling about bottled water - if it's so pure after having spent thousands of years gradually filtering its way through unknown amounts of rock so that it's so pure, how come they have to put a "sell-by" or "best-by" date on the bottle.... Could it be something to do with the plastic the bottles are made out of...! ! !

any is good. tap is better for your teeth as it contains flouride. Better still... drink tap filtered by Brita or a similar company.
check it out, its not too expensive but filtered all the impurities from the water whilst keeping the good ness >> http://www.brita.net/uk/index.html?&l=1...

Well, maybe you should just follow your dad's advice.

if you are not sure you should probably drink bottled water that way you know you are drinking good water! also only wash your face once a day. people with acne tendto be alergic to water!!!! good luck!!!!! freedom!!!!

tap water is better , some bottled water contains too many minerals and bottled water is usually cold your meant to drink water at room temperature i have also been told that when you refill a bottle the water removes some of teh plastic however i do not know how true that is , stick to yoru dads advice

tap water is fine good and the simple fact of the matter is it is safer and as much as 3000x cheaper.
coke sells water called dansi . that water comes straight from the Toronto water supply the tap. it is then sold for 3000x more then you pay for water from your tap.
i have worked in a water bottling place . i can tell you its a waste of money and i don't have any where near the trust in there water as i do what comes from the town water supply.
i have seen water bottles go from the floor which is covered in water and a thin oil picked up and not washed or anything then filled capped and sent off for people to buy .
its all a stupid silly scam .
the only time it is better to drink bottle water is when the government tells you to do so .

best to drink cooled boiled water..

as for acne, stay away from processed foods and JUNK food.

Buy yourself a water filter jug and keep it in the fridge (Brita for example) - It'll remove the Chlorine etc out of the tap water. You should be able to smell the difference.

Bottle water is OK but it has a bad carbon footprint (Plastic and shipping from France, or wherever)

Both water are better if the person who is drink that water are better.

Tap water is way ahead, its free and basically no different from bottled water, council pop rocks (why does mineral water filter thru rocks over millions of years just to emerge 3 months before it goes out of date!!!) oh and as for the acne i had that when i was 18 too, tried all the lotions n potions etc best answer just use Hot clean water to clean your face, no soaps or anything, i'm now 30 yet get mistaken for someone 5-6 years younger as my skin hasn't been dried out by soap, you'll have clearer skin now and younger skin in the future!

I doubt that the water makes much difference. I'm surprised healthcare in Scotland doesn't recognise the effect of low dose medium term antibiotics on acne.

My daughter was treated for it sucessfully in that way. That was a long while ago, so perhaps it's not done any more. Ask your GP.

according to a report I saw on 60 minutes or dateline the other night, tap water is just as good as bottled water. In fact the doctors on the news program also mentioned that sometimes tap is better, beause the screen all tap water for bacteria and diseases.

They are normally the same thing....Most major producers of bottled water, Dasani, Aquafini, Deerpark, etc. are filtered water from municipal sources meaning they just turn on their tap and run it through a filter before you get it in your bottle some bottled water comes from natural springs which are usually the dirtiest form of water due to the lack of sufficent sand filtering usually recieved when water travels through the ground back into the water table a spring occurs when this trip is interrupted and the water comes back up.

sod the water get some acne cream

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