Does anyone know really smooth alcohol?!

Question: Could anyone please tell me really smooth alcohol, that is not at all bitter in taste? I mean, of course, I mix my drink with juice or soda, but it seams like all the drinks I have like Bacardi Rum, Vodka, Smirnoff Vodka, Mango Rum, Jack Daniels, etc. tastes really bitter to me even after I mix it with like 75% of juice/soda. It just makes me throw up so fast. I wanna know a smooth alcohols that blends with other drinks like juice soda, etc easily without tasting bitter or awkward and can also get me drunk. Any suggestions for what should I use to mix would be helpful. Also, don't just tell me generalized things like Rum, Vodka, Whiskey, etc. Please make sure you tell me the name of the brand since everything tastes so differently. Thanks and have a great Valentine's Day!

Answers: Could anyone please tell me really smooth alcohol, that is not at all bitter in taste? I mean, of course, I mix my drink with juice or soda, but it seams like all the drinks I have like Bacardi Rum, Vodka, Smirnoff Vodka, Mango Rum, Jack Daniels, etc. tastes really bitter to me even after I mix it with like 75% of juice/soda. It just makes me throw up so fast. I wanna know a smooth alcohols that blends with other drinks like juice soda, etc easily without tasting bitter or awkward and can also get me drunk. Any suggestions for what should I use to mix would be helpful. Also, don't just tell me generalized things like Rum, Vodka, Whiskey, etc. Please make sure you tell me the name of the brand since everything tastes so differently. Thanks and have a great Valentine's Day!

ohh mann you really are in nead or mikes hard lemonade.
be carful with it though you could get HAMMARD off that stuff because it tasts just like juice but its hard liquer so its easy to drink a lot of it.
=] but its tasty and good for a night like tonight. depends on the occation

i like a drink called hot sex ,and tequila rose. get it at the liquor store. it's not a drink you mix

Bailey's my man.

personally i prefer to taste my liquor, i like to feel it burn all the way down, nothing like some jack daniels.

not sure how you make them i know they have Crown royal it's called a washington apple

On the cheap side, but really really good is Margaritaville Tequilla Lime, its so good I keep it in the freezer and have a glass every now and then. Its so smooth and sweet you really dont need to mix it with anyting. I also use it for margarittas, Margaritaville is the brand name and I buy it from food for less grocery stores, havent really seen it anywhere else but its really good. On the expensive side Remy Martin vsop is very smootn also

Keep away from it, why bother with it, when clearly you've managed thus far. Really its not a must have except for pre- entry to either rehab or the morgue. I'm not getting all moral or anything of the like , I just think your persistence is just a waste of time and at best it will not enhance your life one tiny bit. Think about it........

You might try Bailey's Irish Creme or Tequila Rose. Kahlua might also not be a bad bet. If you're tasting the alcohol in pretty much everything you're probably going to for a while until you get used to it. Gold tequila is less harsh than silver. Usually 'expensive' is the way to go if you want 'smooth'. For example the 'private stock' Captain Morgan's rather than the basic spiced rum. It gets really expensive though. The private stock is about forty bucks a bottle comparied to the fifteen or twenty bucks of the regular. Some might think it's worth it. I like Chivas Regal and Sprite... but I'm weird.

sky vodka. it is made with natural mountain spring waters from the indies. excellent drink by itself or with mixers. if you ever get sick, or a hang over, take 1 tsp of bitters, and add it to 2 fingers of soda water. drink it down, lay down and within 20 min, it's all over. i have bar-tended for 25 years. hope you enjoy the liquor, but please, drink responsibly.

gingerale and vanilla stoli is the best drink ever. it tastes like cream soda!

There is this type of Bacardi Rum I had one time called "Bacardi Peach Red" it was very delicious, and I believe I mixed it with cranberry juice. You could barely taste the alcohol. Also, this other brand by Captain Morgan called "Coconut Rum" or something of the like is very good. I was taking shots of it, and I liked it so much I wanted to drink it straight! Then again the reason for that is probably because its only 23 % alcohol.

other people may think i'm crazy because this is a bit of an "old folks" drink (i'm only 24)...but i LOVE GIN. specifically, gin and tonics with a shot of lime juice in them ( its called a gimlet) but after drinking my face off it college, its really the only liquor i can drink that isn't super strong tasting, but i get such a clean drunkbuzz off of it and i NEVER have a hangover. I prefer Seagrams Lime Twisted Gin or Bombay Sapphire Gin. i mix that with tonic water, and, like i said, lime juice. you can mix it with other things, its one of the main ingredients in a martini, but with all the other things in a martini - i think they're personally very disgusting. so i just stick with the gimlet.

If i'm not in the mood (which is rare) for a gimlet, My other favorite drink is a mojito (rum, lime juice, mint, lemon juice and sugar) and i prefer captain morgans'. I also enjoy 7/7s. which is seagrams' 7 whiskey, mixed with 7up. anything by seagrams never gives me a hangover. but, like i said, i usually stick with Gin.

if you're in the mood for something sweeter, go with baileys' or kahlua - and there's even this honey liquor i love called barenjager (mix it with milk or half/half) but those drinks go best with milk/coffee etc. and once you drink one or two of those, the milk sometimes gets to your stomach and you get constipated later on. so, if you're not in the mood to get drunk, but want something delicious...go for those.

but i'm just one person, and that's what my body chemistry mixes well with, you may be different.

Milk of magnessia... your liver can't take it.

Pinapple juice is a great liquor mixer. Try that with bacardi and a dash of genadine.

Grey Goose is the smoothest vodka ever. You won't be able to taste that in anything. STAY AWAY from schmirnoff...that is disgusting. I've been drinking a lot of Svedka vodka lately. It's distilled 5x...I haven't gotten a hangover from it yet! If you see Welch's Mango Twist juice GET IT! and mix that with some grey goose. I promise you will not be sad!

As for whiskey...that stuff has a super strong taste to it. I enjoy the taste of it...Jameson is my favorite!

If you're mixing your liquor with 75% juice/soda and you're still throwing up, you may be allergic to alcohol..... a lot of people are....

If your main purpose is to get drunk, I would avoid alcohol like the plague. Getting drunk feels great for about ther first half hour then you get more and more wasted trying to get back that feeling. Take it from someone who has been tanked more than a few times.

ive heard that white russians taste NOTHING like alcohol... havent had them though.

also, grapefruit juice is a good mask if your mixin with vodka... you can still taste the vodka, but its definately less intense...

and i dont think youd throw up from the taste, more like drinkging too much.

white russians are good (1part vodka, 1part milk, 1part kaluah or any coffee flavoured cream based liquer), but if your gona go with a whiskey/bourbon your only option is to get something topshelf, not jack daniells its a kentucky bourbon they are ment to burn even topshelf stuff, try a nice single malt whiskey or a nice blend, id suggest johnie walker green lable very smooth nice malty flavour no burn. you might want to mix with something like ginger all/beer will kill more burn than cola.
i drink all my whiskey + bourbon straight though, so once you have built up a tolerance to the burn you should join me on the dark side (we have cookies!) and go a nice clean glass of whiskey!
if you dont like that try contreau its a trip sec, very sweet very smooth on the rocks, also try comparo (i think thats how its spealt, lol cant speel spelt! say that 10 times fast) its a hazelnut flavoured liquer very good.
also maybe try absinth its a liquriche taste, still very sweet. but for a good bottle expect to pay up to $300 if you can find it, but the cheap stuff will still do the job.

i think mild beer is good for smooth experience.

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