How much does Bartending school cost?!

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The basic answer to your question: it depends on where you are and what kind of school you want to go to. The price can vary from a few hundred to $1000. The latter can include "extra" classes that a normal school would not give you like flair classes, an in depth wine class, and TIPS certification.

As to response to other peoples answers about going or not going to bartending school, the answer is it is up to you. Bartending school can teach you a lot and help you alot. It is true that you never need to go to bartedning school to become a bartender, the best bartenders learn from experience and not a classroom. That works for all jobs. What the school's do is give you a blanket idea of what bartending will be like and the drinks you will need to make. Most will even help you get a job.

Some places don't care if you went to bartending school or not. Like one of the above posters said, he trains his staff. That's great and all if you have to time to work up to being a bartender. At some places that can take YEARS.

Bartending school can definitely help you. If you know tons of bartenders that can get you jobs and help you, don't bother. But if you have no hands in this field, go to bartending school. It will help.

I personally would not spend money on bartending school. I've been a bartender for years and never took any classes. The best way to learn is to get thrown into the mix and pick things up as you go along. Sometimes certain bars/restaurants have specific recipes for drinks that may differ from the standard ones that you would learn through classes. I suggest doing a little research on how to make common drinks and shots and you should be fine.

It cost a friend of mine $450 in Boston.

I don't know...But I'll pay for nything you little hotties want...

its free If you ask ure Favorite Bartender many "Q's" that's how I learned... and now I'm one of the best... LOL

A cheap bar tending school cost around $250 to $500 for a two week course. but most bar managers or owners don't care what kind of crappy bar tending school you went to. they want bar-keepers with work experience. the best thing you can do is start slow, work at bar or club as a server or bar back, and then work your way up to bar tending. that's if your looking for a job as a bartender. if you just want to waste money and want to learn how to mix drinks, just buy a book

I was a restaurant manager for years. I never promoted or hired anyone because they attended bartender school. I promoted people to bartender and trained them myself based on work ethic. Get a job waiting tables in a restaurant, tell your boss that you want to be a bartender, and then bust your butt waiting tables. That is the fastest way to become a bartender.

In California about $600

It depends on the schools in your area. In CA I paid $250 for a 4 week class. The classes were OK, just a bunch of practicing and little tricks to remember how to make drinks. And then just more practicing. The teachers just talk for 30 minutes before they let you go and make more drinks. Then they just sit there and do nothing. Everything you will need to know can be bought at your local bookstore.

Some schools say they will help you get a job no matter where you are. All I can say was that was a bunch of garbage! I did all the job hunting myself.

Don't waste your money and your time. Just start at a local bar as a bar back (all the grunt work), and you will learn all you will need doing that.

Hope this helps!

It's free just get a job in a bar learn as you work!

yea i will agree with others and say that youll be the best bartender by just working as one.....i use to waitress and i started learning the bar and i never went to school for it, but i did look into it and in my are it was like $350-$400...i think its like a 5 week thing or something like that...either way its not a bad idea... $400 isnt much ya know

It goes about $500 or so, depending upon where you're located. I'm in San Diego and you can find them around here between $400-$450. Its well worth it though. You can pick up a lot just by working as a bartender but, if you're serious, you pick up a lot more in class.

A hottie like you in So Florida, you're gonna be piling up the cash from tips so you'll make it back quick too!

PS- For all those who are saying that it doenst matter, thats only at shadey joints. My brother manages a restaurant and they wont hire a bartender who hasnt ever been to a class unless they've got years and years of experience. In the five years that I worked in restaurants, I saw two bartenders hired that hadnt gone to school... One was when I was a waiter at the Olive Garden and the other got fired in two weeks despite having been tending bar for 1 year previously.

You can probably get by without it if you work hard and have some skills, but all in all it certainly wont hurt to take the class... And it looks like you've received an application from an aspiring sugar daddy here too, lol.

come over my place! i'll teach you girl's for only $29.99!!

Bartending school is the great American Rip-off. No one hires people straight out of bartending school. Become a server or barback and work your way up. That's how the system works. Get yourself a cocktail recipe book, and a few bottles and pour spouts and practice at home. Work on your pour counts, and your customer service ability. Restaurant bars are typically at more slow pace, while nightclub bars are fast-paced, high volume. You'll need to be able to help 3 or 4 customers at once, while keeping track of their tabs or credit cards at the same time. 2 biggest reasons why bartenders get fired? They steal and they get drunk. Don't do any of these, and you'll have a good paying job for a long time. I've been at it for over 12 years...

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