How can I hide the symptoms of alcohol the best?!


How can I hide the symptoms of alcohol the best?

I know these questions have been asked a few hundred thousand times.. but in this case I am looking for a very straight forward answer to the whole issue. Alcohol causes bad breath(and smell from pores), redness of the eyes, loss of concentration, quick mood swings and exaggerated perceptions. So suppose you were to go on a date and wanted to be seemingly sober.. what steps would you take and why? Like all others, I will state that I already know alcohol is bad, i should not be hiding it and bla bla bla. Lets just say this is for my own educational experience. I know things like gum and mints are only temporary concealers and can strengthen the smell if they are high in sugar. I also hear rumor that mexican food, peanuts, milk and water are some of the best things to cover the smell.. lets hear your opinions.

1. Drink lots of water along with your alcohol, to avoid dehydration, and keep on drinking water. Sports drinks are good, too.
2. Get rid of the external sweet & sour smell by showering thoroughly, several times if necessary.
3. Put on a little more cologne than usual, or put on a lot more cologne, or after-shave than usual, and apologize, saying you spilled it on yourself, accidentally.
4. Gargle as much, and as often, as possible.
5. Brush your teeth several times.
6. Change ALL your clothes, every few hours, they have your sweat on them, which has the nasty smelling chemicals. (My drinking clothes are a huge stack of gym trunks, briefs, and t-shirts, for saving money, and easy washing.)


Have a few redbulls and suck on a clean copper penny for a minute. then, hit the Listerine and pull yourself together.

wake up kid. its not an easy road your walking down.theres alot to lose

first of all I think going on a date drunk is disrespectful and deceitful and second there really is no way to hide it unless your date has had a few drinks too.

yeah gums not good, trymouthwash and eyedrops are a must. Clounge and if u stagger a bit just say u've been up all day that will also cover for the oily face and mood swings.
But if ur sh$t faced drunk theres really no help for u doubt ull rememeber to do it anyway.

Well... Gosh. You could claim to have been hit by a beer truck on the way to the date. Or just drink vodka. It has less of an odor than many alcoholic drinks. And try to keep the "quick mood swings" to a minimum, Mr. Crazy-Head.

i've found that if you drink gin mixed w/ something it doesnt have a strong smell like something more potent like vodka or whiskey.... i've tried the copper penny thing but it doesnt work. Gum will work just fine, try Stride its strong and lasts a really really long time. As for concentration, mix the alcohol or chase it w/ a Monster it has b vitamins, guarana, caffiene etc to improve concentration. The green (original) monster is the only 1 that works for me. will also make you in a better mood. u wont appear as drunk cause youll still have the ability to think clearly,but you;ll feel calmer.

You can't hide it....every body knows, and they feel sorry for you..............go to an old tavern....look at the old man at the end of the bar, with his head down, slobbering and talking to himself, that's you in a few years........I know because I am the guy at the end of the bar. I'm 43........everyone thinks I'm over 65. Good luck kid.

The best way I have found to avoid all the symptoms is to not drink. At least controling yourself to only have a drink or two makes a huge difference. Don't worry about looking cool if everyone else is partying, especially if you're on a date. She'll have more respect for you being responsible than a drunk slob, especially if your driving.

do a few bong hits

chew on a few cloves of raw garlic and tell everyone you are coming down with something. they won't be able to get close enough to you to see your other symptoms.

Not adviseable. There really is no good answer.

But the first guy, a copper penny? Really? What does that do?

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