U.k. has a huge problem with binge drinkers?!

Question: ok i wuz reading the daily mail i dont know y as i live in
the. u.s. and apparently the u.k. says they r having a huge problem with alcoholics n stuff n dat young gurls r already alcoholics n 8 year olds come to skool with hangovers.
ok datz crazy but exactly how old do u need to b to legally drink in the u.k.?
i know in the u.s. u have to be 21 n i mean underage ppl still drink over here but not like what theyre reporting in the daily mail. i think itz crazy.

Answers: ok i wuz reading the daily mail i dont know y as i live in
the. u.s. and apparently the u.k. says they r having a huge problem with alcoholics n stuff n dat young gurls r already alcoholics n 8 year olds come to skool with hangovers.
ok datz crazy but exactly how old do u need to b to legally drink in the u.k.?
i know in the u.s. u have to be 21 n i mean underage ppl still drink over here but not like what theyre reporting in the daily mail. i think itz crazy.

Ye tht problem is increasing in the UK. British culture is not what it used to be, many parents are letting their children drink, or witness them drinking from a young age, mainly a lot of parents that were children themselves when they had their children! The problem is that children learn from example, and this is whats happening, one child does it and through subcultures in education etc they follow suit. Like I say, British culture is not what it once was and is very different from American culture which is why you find it so shocking whereas to us, although it is a problem, we're no longer surprised by these situations reported. A lot of Americans grow up with supportive famalies, the church, good education etc whereas many children in England don't! The law on drinking here in my eyes is very lax because the law is that in public you have to be 18 to buy/sell/consume alcohol, however, in the privacy of your own home, children can legally drink from the age of FIVE!! I know this is ridiculous, but this law encourages the 'just one' attitude whereby parents adopt the idea that 'just one' glass won't hurt them at parties nd stuff, and obviously as you may well know alcohol is very addictive! The only problem with this report in the Daily Mail is that they would only concentrate on the minority, believe me this is not common behaviour for all eight year olds, the chances are they are using examples of people in gang subcultures from this age that have been supplied with it, and it probably happens in America as well, just under reported!

Hope this helps you understand a bit more about English society!

P.S. What is a nice cheek?

You can drink when you're 18 here.

I think getting shot dead on campus or in a mall is crazy. Thankfully it doesn't happen here.

lol the US education system really is in a mess huh.

your question is so hard to read - may I suggest typing in ENGLISH.

The legal age of drinking is 18 in the UK.
the govenment states that consuming over 4 units of alcohol in one evening is considered a 'binge'

the daily mail is scare reporting, basically prophaganda is only half of the truth... it is true that more and younger people are getting drunk now in the UK altho the youngest drinkers i.e. the 8yr olds are the exception which happens anywhere cos of very bad pearenting are prehaps getting younger

this is mainly going on because the police are cracking down on relatively harmless underage drinking and the governement is trying to spin it to the public by means of scare tactics that underage drinkers are the threat

the drinking age in the UK is 18 although mast kids here get drunk for the first time between 11 and 14

the sad fact is that actually the overage drinkers are as much a problem as the underage ones

Please, do everyone a favour and type properly. You're not writing a text message. No one is going to bother answering a question they cannot read!

In the both Ireland and the UK binge drinking is a huge problem, it's a "culture" which has been built into our society and shows no signs of changing. The legal drinking age in Ireland is 18, it is the same in the UK.

Irresponsible parents are the No.1 Reason for underage drinking and this has in turn allowed "8 year olds" come to school with hangovers, if they even come to school at all. It naturally effects the Working Class the most and so the Daily Mail jump on the sensationalism of the subject.

I live in West Scotland, and I can tell you Binge Drinking has ruined Scotland. You cant go out anywhere past 9pm or you can expect some serious abuse from drunk yobs...I personally have actually been attacked by drunk yobs.
Drinking age in UK is 18, but its so easy for anyone much younger than that to get their hands on alcohol.

you read too many tabloids!

We have an age limit of 18, you ahve to show id to get into a bar or buy any alcoholic drink.

I am sure that just in the uk there are kids who can get around this: disguiseing their age, fake id, parents drink supplies and desperate offlicence sellers. I doubt thats uk unique.

I find it hard to believe that we are the only country that gets trashed every friday/saturday night, there are the few that do this in the week to but most of us dont- unless its a special occasion. The reason I find this so hard to believe is the accents you hear comming from the mouths of the people making thier way home on the train late at night.

The daily mail os famouse for winding people up, read the guardian or the timesa better description of whats going on in the middle classes, the metro if you want to hear about us working class (and the evening standard, london lite and etc)

I dont know any 8 year olds who go to school with hangovers but it must be true because it has been reported in a tabloid paper.!!. NOT

Britain do have a binge drinking culture sadly. I would be classed as a binge drinker because i drink more than 14 unit of alcohol in a week. 1 unit is classed as one vodka or half a beer, if that helps you understand unit.

Oh and for the record not all british people have bad teeth.

You can drink at any age, as long as you aren't causing any public disorder. It's illeagle to buy alcohol till you are 18, but parent's are buying the drink for their kids. Its strange.

Government are looking to change the law to make it illeagle to be drinking under 18 - wether you are causing a problem or not.

But these people will just find other places to drink. Its a problem that has to be tackled by the parents, but they won't want to do anything about it.

Even if parent's say they don't know their child is drinking they do - You can tell when someones had a drink, there are hundreds of give aways! But parent's don't care enough to educate/dicipline.

Too many fucked up people in this world.

wtfricken talkin abouthrmitithinbitchien

I was going to answer this but as you cant even be bothered to type it correctly without making it very hard to read... Then I don't think that I can be bothered to think of an answer....That's fair I think...

So many z's in your question. Are you sleepy? I am.

The British government encourages the least educated and laziest people in society to have children. The people who contribute to society and who want to live a decent life cannot afford to have children. The unemployed, habitual drunkards, drug addicts and mentally ill are paid to stay at home, have their housing paid for and can still afford to stay in a continual state of drunkeness while the decent hard working people pay to support that lifestyle. Within 20 years all of the decent people would have left the country and society will collapse in on itself.

Yep. We drink a lot. The daily mail makes up stories, too. At least we don't shoot each other...

The problem is with the supermarkets and the off licences, they sell cheap alcohol so it is affordable for the younger kids, plus it is easier to get because people buy it for them. In a pub or club they have to be 18 to get in, plus they are more expensive so the alcohol is less affordable to them, all off licences and supermarkets should be the same as pubs and clubs then we will see a difference with kids on the streets

PLEASE, learn how to write English/American, maybe thats why your education system is such a mess. mind you the UK is fast becoming the same. We have not started shooting up the schools/uni/ver yet tho, but who knows,??? And yes binge drinking is a BIG !!! problem here.

Binge drinking is a huge problem here, we have 11 and 12 year olds drinking themselves sick.

Legal drinking age is 18 but parents sometimes buy it for their children. (Off topic they even by their kids cigarettes aswell).

And they have really BAD teeth!

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