What parts of the United States wont sell liquor on Sundays?!


What parts of the United States wont sell liquor on Sundays?

are there any 'dry' states or parts of states?

It is up to the individual states. If a state bans the sale of alchohol on Sunday, then that is final. But if a state does not ban the sale, then local jurisdictions (county, city) can ban the sale on Sunday.

pennsylvania.. some parts where i used to live they didn't i am not sure about the whole state though

Georgia and South Carolina don't...North Carolina does

Utah doesn't. All hard liquor and wines you have to go to the State liquor store to purchase that stuff and they are all closed on sundays.

In NJ there are no liquor stores open on Sundays!! Not where I live anyway

We recently lived in Hardin County, Kentucky which is dry. I noticed a lot less trash on the highways.

Utah I think

Don't know about the rest of the nation, but Colorado does not allow hard liquor sales on Sundays. You can buy 3.2 beer at the grocery store, but that's it.

I live in NH and you can buy 7 days a week but not after 11:30 pm in stores, just for you info,

not before noon in NY, nor hard liqour after 7pm from a store i think.

Montgomery County, MD


I live in Southwest Virginia and the stores here do not sell liquor or beer on Sunday. I have to drive over to North Carolina to buy alcohol on Sunday.

Some counties in Florida.

What a stupid law. : (

Tennessee had some dry counties when I lived there and Nashville didn't sell on Sundays. Here in Florida you can't buy before noon on Sundays.


texas and beer only after 12 noon on sun. luiquor quits selling at 9:00pm and beer quits at 12:00

PA and Nc i beleive aslo

I know pennsylvania doesnt

south carolina,georgia,utah,pennsylv... and some parts of north carolina,kansas,maryland and kansas have dry counties!

I think this is a city or county thing. Most of Georgia and Alabama does not sell beer, liquor, or wine on Sunday. Unless it is a restaurant. I but in Phenix City, and I think Auburn Alabama they can sell on Sunday after 1:00.

No liquor stores are open on Sundays in the state of Minnesota. Also, no liquor stores are open after 10 pm on any day of the week. You have to drive to Wisconsin if you wanna get boozed up at those times.

Indiana does not allow sale on sunday, some townships in south west michican dont allow it on sunday and a michigan state law prohibits it before noon.

In Texas, liquor is only sold from 10:00a.m.-9:00p.m. Monday through Saturday. Beer and wine are sold 7:00 a.m.- 12:00a.m. Monday through Friday, till 1:00a.m. on Saturday, 12:00p.m- 12:a.m.on Sunday. That sounds pretty strict, but it is consistent. I know in some states it varies widely from location to location( e.g. Florida). It is best to ask the merchant before attempting to purchase alcohol on Sunday.

i live in alabama... okay, done laughing, anyways, there are alot of dry counties around here. thank God, i don't live in one.

Yeah---stock up on Saturdays if you want to drink on Sunday's around here!

And yes, there are towns and townships that are still "dry" Grove City is one quick example that I can think of right now.


In Texas you can buy beer everyday, depending on the time. As far as liquor goes, you can get it Monday thru. Saturday, depending on the time. If you go to a bar, it's different. They can serve on Sundays, you just can't purchase it from stores. The time the bars stops serving depends on the individual bars licensing. Most stop at 2, at least in my experience. There are also certain counties and cities that are "dry" but I don't know which ones they are.. I know a few, but I figure that can be researched anyway.

you not only cant buy liquor or beer in southcarolina on sunday but you cant even go shopping befor 1:30 in the afternoon on sunday. nothing but food(groceries). the blue laws are friggin rediculous in the south.

Kansas is dry on Sunday in less at a restaurant that has a special license and their food sales is over 55%

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