Somebody else love beer but hate wine? Why?!

Question: If you do it. It′s for taste, health or price?

Answers: If you do it. It′s for taste, health or price?

I love beer. But wine I don't enjoy much. It gives me headache.

I really like beer and I wouldn't say I hated wine, but offered one or the other, I will take beer every time.

beer became like water to me,i enjoy it almost every day.but wine is kinda sour and tougher to drink and thats why i dont like it

I enjoy both, but I prefer beer. Beer is my passion...
There is also a lot of snobbery associated with wine. Many wine drinkers tend to think all beer drinkers are 40-oz Bud guzzling losers.
We're not. In fact, BudMillerCoorsHeinekenCoronaStellaBecks hardly even fit the definition of beer, especially with all of the preservatives (like formaldehyde) and pisspoor quality ingredients.
If anything, I love beer (Craft Beer and Quality Imports), but hate beer (macro-mass-market swill).
Regardless, I can give you thousands of ways that beer is healthier for you than wine, but this is neither the time nor place.

I love my beer....but I would not say that I hate wine....I will drink a glass here and there maybe with dinner....but not to catch a buzz off it, I will drink beer for that....and I only like sweet wine

Possibly because branded beer is available everywhere, so whether you drink Bud, Miller or Coors, Corona or Heineken or Sam Adams or just about any other brand, you can be assured that you will get the same drink every time, everywhere.

Most wines, even the same type of wine, will taste different from label to label, and you can't be assured that the restaurant or bar you visit will have a particular label. If you just order a Merlot or Chardonnay, what you get will vary from place to place. If you know a specific label that you like, and it is available, then you will likely get the wine, but if you don't see a label you like, go for the safe bet - the beer.

Also, finding an exact vintage or type of wine takes a lot of trial and error that you may not be willing to put the effort, time or money in to the experiment.

I fully agree with Dune. It's not that I hate wine I just never seem to get around to trying it with so many different beers available to me.

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