How many pints of Stella can you drink without being really drunk ?!


How many pints of Stella can you drink without being really drunk ?

After 5 the whole world looks different to me.

Lol cant tell you that,i'll never get that date if i do!!!

More than you ya light weight

i just need to smell the stuff!!!!!!!

It depends on how well you can take your alcohol - I can't, so it would take very little, especially of Stella, to get me drunk.

depends on your body metabolism doesn't it not surprised the world looks different after 5 does it look better or worse whats the next morning like whats the world look like then wouldn't take 5 for me probably one or two as i cannot hold my drink so i very rarely drink nowadays

Not very many. Give me vodka all night long and I'm fine, but 2 pints of any lagar and I'm mashed.

anyone who can drink this poison must be drunk before they start

probably 2 - Im such a lightweight!! lol

I used to love Stella.Used to get drunk on 2.I must be immune to it now though as i can have 4 and still be sober.

by 5 pint I get loud and obnoxious,
by six i have a quiet phase,
get too seven an im pretty much gone,
one more then its on to the shorts and thats me finished

Depends on how much I have eaten before hand - on an empty stomach 3 will have me dribbling quite happily - if I have just scoffed myself silly, then I could probably manage 6 with a bit of will-power and a few days off to recover afterwards. (And an understanding taxi-cab driver, with a ready supply of wet-wipes!).

probably around 4-5 but a few years ago before i Had my kids i could drink you under the table no botha!!! i did all other blokes 12 cans of fosters still standing! not now tho give me 6 and i am off my head

lol well 1 if im lucky , i dont drink very often
i had 1 bottle of budwiser the night before last and i felt ill yesterday lol

stella is known as wife beating drink here lol

4 deffo

three and I'm getting there give me one more and i loss all sense of my morals five and I'm yours ,lol

Prob about 4, but stella is not nice, Kronembourg (sorry for spelling) is much nicer

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