My daughter wants to tast Buck Fast I refuse to buy it what can I do?!

Question: Monks wine the smell of it turns me.

Answers: Monks wine the smell of it turns me.

its not like this mulled wine is it?.that is sickly

Oh that's nasty stuff I've heard a great deal about it,
Maybe all you can do is either hide it or let her try it to be honest.

Thank you :)
Once she does I'm sure she'll never touch it again.

Let her get it for herself if she's old enough, otherwise tough luck !

Tell her to buy her own or get her some prune juice and mix it with syrup, thats what it tastes of.

She is more likely to go behind your back and try it with her mates and probably get horribly drunk on it. A difficult dilemma for you....

Don"t buy it.

your daughter needs 'you' to provide WINE..
I should report you..

Don't buy it for her. She can buy it for herself if she's old enough. I really don't understand how people can drink that stuff. It tastes disgusting. I'd rather drink a nice bottle of wine or even cider.

Don't buy it for her. It is very strong stuff and young people get very drunk on it. In this area this particular drink causes real social problems but the monks have refused to withdraw it from the market as they make so much money from it. If you want to allow your daughter to drink sensibly in the house then give her some normal wine!
The funny thing is little old ladies visiting Buckfast Abbey, where it is produced, love to buy it! Doesn't match with my image of yobbos drinking it on street corners and scattering the broken glass bottles everywhere! Is that what you want for your daughter????

hey terry wogan drinks it(i kid you not) so dont believe
the bad hype. It is simply a fortified wine that became
popular because it contains high levels of caffeine. It is not
the cheapest type there are worse brands.

Children have that the parents can make decisions they aren't ready to make yet. Primarily to keep their kids safe and on track to responsible adulthood. Like, how do you help them do something illegal...they are too brain deficient to make that decision yet...while you...well, you should just buck up (no pun intended) and say no. NO, do you get it? Don't you ever tell your kid no and mean it...stick with the answer? You don't even have to give much of a reason..."because I said so"...will be resented, but it is a good is illegal! That is sufficient.

Let her try it and hopefully it will turn her off it too.

Good evening D, Why not try to convince your daughter to drink another wine. make her see sense.

Who's the parent here? If you have your reasons for not buying it for her, STICK WITH THEM. I'm sorry to say, but your post have given some of us a not so nice opinion of you. You are the ADULT, she is the CHILD(?). I feel sorry for you if your kids take advantage of you like this. Stop being their friend, and start PARENTING.

If you refuse to buy it, refuse. Thats your job.

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