Drunk or tipsy?!

Question: how can you tell wether your drunk or just tipsy?..

Answers: how can you tell wether your drunk or just tipsy?..

Tipsy is when your inhibitions are relaxed, you're enjoying the night. You're usually light headed and things are a little blurry. This is the sort of level people try to maintain on a night out.

Drunk is when you're slurring your words and you're struggling to walk/carry out accurate motor functions (like aiming your hand to pick your glass up without spilling its contents). By this point, you're not able to enjoy the night properly and your hangover tomorrow will be enormous. Also, you'll probably be denied entry to any pubs and clubs when like this.

If you are tipsy you should still be enjoying the occasion. If you are drunk I think you are no longer enjoying yourself, not properly anyway....

Tipsy is when you're light headed, dizzy, maybe a little giggly, flushed, and drunk is beyond that I guess. Never been past tipsy.

Does it matter, your body's telling you enough alcohol.

tipsy is when you start to feel good for a light drinker this is happenes after two or three drinks. Drunk is when you start to slure your speech when your drunk you tend to drink faster as well where it took you 10 to 15 min to finish your first drink it could take you 5 to finish your 4th 5th or 6th. It is also harder to think fast remember names dates and events, walking becomes a problem to. Ok then have fun.

Tipsy is a couple of drinks you feel more social and relaxed.
about 4 units

Drunk is where you feel real talkitive and aren't in as much control of yourself as usual, you might end up fighting more than usual also.
about 10 units

P***ed drunk is where your unable to walk striaght and you feel like climbing trees and feeding birds, your real tied - but you'll pay back tomorrow.
about 15-20 units

Wasted - make sure your friend has phone to call 999 handy
about 20+ units

A person's alcohol tolerance depends on how much a person drinks. Being drunk is being poisoned. If you want an addiction problem along with a ruined liver, keep on drinking.

tipsy= your in control still. drunk= you think your in more control than you ever were, but your not and your talking bolloxx

depends on your definition of each, but drunk usually has a negative slant to it, whereas tipsy is a little lighter. actually, tipsy is often used as a euphamism for drunk.

If your able to carry on a conversation and remember it the next day then you were tipsy if not then you were drunk!!

Tipsy is fun; drunk isn't.

keep in mind that everybody is different, some people drink a lot and can handle a lot more before becoming drunk rather than just tipsy. i, for one, am an alcoholic and know that, i pretty much always get drunk, and it doesnt usually lead to anything good, when i stay just tipsy, i am probably the funnest person to be around. but for me, there is no real being able to tell if your drunk or tipsy, i mean i can drink 12 beer and not feel a buzz, then maybe that 13th drink will get me drunk, you know what i mean? you can get drunk without getting tipsy, it all depends on you. but to give you a simple answer, tipsy you can still control yourself, drunk you can't.

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