Is 12 beers too much if I plan on driving soon?!


Is 12 beers too much if I plan on driving soon?

I just had twelve beers and now I need to go drive to the store for more. Am I too drunk or am I still legal?

Did you make it back, how are those beers tasting?

Not legal, but you could try.... I do it all of the time.

Way too probably are still fine....but I would not risk it. Have another person who did not drink buy you the beer. (he needs to be over 21 obviously)

Not if your driving a Gondola.

Are you serious? what if you kill some Innocent person.
Yes it is illegal.

Please don't try that. Just not worth dying or getting locked up.

Yes, you are way over the legal limit. So if you don't want to be arrested for drunk driving. Skip the extra beer run.

Chill and relax at home instead.

you need to wait 4 hours

Depends how awake you are, how good of a driver you are, and if you can pay attention. I drive pretty good drunk, not to say that its right but some people can do it. I suggest to not do it though because DUI's s*ck

Way too much!!!

Now, a question for you: have you thought about the possibility that you are an alcoholic? It sounds like you might be or are getting there quickly. This might be a wakeup call to stop the abuse on your poor liver.

One beer is too much if you plan on driving. How could you even think of wanting to drive? Have you thought of the possibility of what could happen if you got into an accident? You could get yourself or someone else seriously injured, possibly killed. Sounds to me like you may have a problem if you have already drank 12 and are ready for more. And if you have to ask if you are to drunk then, duh? Use some common sense. Don't do anything that might totally change your life forever.

.08 is the legal limit that is about one beer. So your alcohol level after 12 beers could be a bout .96 which is obviously way over the legal limit to drive. If you get caught in a school or a work zone your penalty will be twice as harsh. My friend got a DUI in a school zone, he has a one year suspended license, he has to have orange tag plates on his car for five years and the fine that he has to pay the court is in the thousands. So if you don't feel like it's worth ruining your life or the life of another person, don't drink and drive.

if you plan on driving without crashing, i wouldn't recommend it.

Yes you are over the limit, and cant drive but if you walk to the store since you had 12 beers you wont feel the weather and time flys you wont remember walking.
I remember when i got a DWI just because of an extra drink, my friends made fun of me saying" how was the three thousand dollar cocktail?"

well it depends on how much u can drink at one time without getting it only takes a little..try it at hoem or something before u drive..just to be safe kno how much u can drink...

The fact that you have to ask this question is concerning. Common! Even a 3rd grader knows 12 beers is alot of alcohol. Here's a thought.....DRINK AT HOME!

There is nothing wrong with that Ive drove when i drank a 30 pack of MGD and i never killed anybody, I dont think

You are an asswhole for even asking.

thats stupid to even ask....and i agree with andrew v....

you should not be driving!

I hope we don't live in the same state. You're dangerous.

Yes it is. I suggest you walk to the store and buy the beer.

god no,,, not unless your planning on killing yourself or someone else. be responsible if you drink,,, walk to the beer store putz!

Way too much to drink, send someone else

No, but don't try putting.

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