What's the best keg beer?!


What's the best keg beer?

I'm throwing a party for a friend's birthday and we're going to get a keg and I know NOTHING about beer. So what's the best kind to get in a keg?

I don't know much in this world, but one thing I do know about is keg beer (not that I'm proud of it...)

I was responsible for keg parties for 500-750 college goers while in school. Choosing the perfect beer in the price/quality margin was key to the success of a soiree. We tried many a keg, and here are the results:

-Pabst Blue Ribbon - while the cheapest among the bunch, pabst blue ribbon has on of the most horrible tastes one can imagine of a beer. Think of a cup of soda water mixed in with some artifical beer flavoring. Yeah....

-Milwaukee's Best - Also one of the cheaper brands, "The Beast" tends to bring out some unfavorable actions in a crowd. During the isolated times that we served the beast, we saw a huge increase in fights and obnoxious behavior. Call me crazy, but the beast has a way of bringing out the worst in people.

- Coors Light - As we meld into the big 3 of light beer, coors, while producing a very product in a bottle, is at the bottom of the list. Thier super light taste and lack of overall flavor keeps them from obtaining a worthwhile status.

- Bud Light - Everyone loves Bud Light. Look at the answers here, its an american favorite. But for the price, you can do better. Although the flavor and taste are there, there is better out there.

- Miller Light - The king of keg beer. Miller light is the only beer to have sucessfully managed to produce a near perfect keg beer experience. Just look a tthe color of a miller light compared to that of Bud or Coors. The hue means more flavor, and more taste. Even the loyal Bud drinker will need to submit to it's keg supremacy. And no, I do not work for Miller...They just made me alot of money in college, thats all :)

If, of course, you are looking for something a little less college bingefest and something a little more refined, I suggest you take a look at kegs of amstel light and killain's irish red. Both are very good for special occasions.


My opinion is BUD LIGHT! it's soo smooth and soo tasty when its cold!!! Definatley get bud light...it also has a great taste...if u dont want budlight then i would reccommend coors light next

I think that Miller Lite is the best Keg beer!

Keg beer can give you one nasty hang over...make sure you get a kegerator...keeps it nice and cold, and there isn't as much foam. I'd go with an Anheuser-Busch product.

Don't get something fancy/expensive for a keg party (Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada)....and don't go to cheap either (Natural Light, Milwalkee's Best)....get something average like Miller's Light, Bud Light or Yuengling Lager.

If getting a keg I recommend Bud Light. Its a decent tasting beer and its probably my favorite beer to drink if im going to be drinking all night/lots.

Depends on the crowd. You can't go wrong with Miller Lite or Bud Light. If the group is a little more refined spring for Yuengling--it's very popular right now and not that much more expensive.

Definitely get something light. And if you're cheap, get natty ice haha

I'm going to ditto the above answer-ers and say Bud Light... no one will complain. That or Rolling Rock if you want to spend a little bit more money. Just make sure you keep it cold and tilt your glass to prevent a lot of head/foam while pouring.

Bud -lite

Chimay Grande Reserve is great, but it costs about $175 for a quarter keg.

Do not listen to any of these suggestions - Domestic garbage like Miller, Bud, Nattie, etc.. Are all terrible, especially in a keg. They are watered down and taste cheap.

For a few bucks more you can get a keg of either Heineken or Amstel - Not heavy beers, but much more flavorful.


BUD-LIGHT!!!! its great.... well id prefer corona but thats a dream that will never come true its too expensive in a keg lol so yeah stick to bud-light.

Dos Equis should be about 110 dollars a keg best keg party beer don't be cheap with budweiser products get Dos Equis

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