Can mike's hard lemonade get u drunk?!


Can mike's hard lemonade get u drunk?

If your a weenie...I cant even get drunk off of Smirnoff...but yes highly possible

my mom got drunk from yea.


hell yeah

Yeah if you drink enough in respect to your tolerance.

It's got liquor in it, so it has the potential to get you drunk .You just have to drink quite a few of them.

Yes. It does contain alcohol. It's similar to that of a wine cooler.

it's got alcohol in it so yea

yes - and if you puke, it really hurts.

Yes, they have as much alcohol as the average beer.

yes thats what hard means in the name. it is malt liquor and i think its 5% alcohol.

yes, and it can give you a great hangover

Yes, but its often considered a "b**** drink".

it's an alcoholic beverage. It will get you drunk.

Duh, it's booze.

Hard lemonade means its liquor. Therefore you can get drunk on it.

Of course it can. It is an alcoholic beverage, afterall. Some call it alcopop. It's alcohol content is the same as some beers.

Mike's Hard Lemonade (5.2% alcohol, 7% outside the U.S.)
Mike's Hard Iced Tea
Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade
Mike's Hard Berry (5% alcohol.)
Mike's Hard Lime (5% alc/vol in 11.2 fl oz bottle.)
Mike's Light Hard Lemonade (4% alcohol.)
Mike's Hard Frozen Lemonade Mix (alcohol included) 9.9%
Mike's Hard Crisp Apple (5% alcohol)

Budweiser 5.5%

Anything with alcohol will make you drunk. It's just a matter of how much you drink. A beverage like Mike's Hard lemonade will require you to drink more than just hard liquor. This is because of the proof (the percentage of alcohol doubled) is lower in Mike's Hard Lemonade.

absolutely, if you drink enough of it

Mike's hard lemonade is not hard at all. I could dring the whole 4-pack and it won't even give be a light buzz. I guess really if you are a firt time drinker I can see someone getting drunk. But I really don't think it's hangover material though.

if you drink enough of them- but mind the hangover :(

it sure can

if you drink enough and enjoy hershey squirts later if you knowhatimean.

it can but if you have a high alcohol tolerance it can take a long time.

It depends on your tolerance for alcohol.

In theory yes...

i dont know about drunk, but it could def get you tipsy if you drank enough.

welll,,,,, iii hhhaavveee hhad aaa fewww allreaddy anndd doont feell a biitt ddrrunkk, sooo no wayyyy

Oh wow.. How do you go about answering this one and NOT sounding like a jerk?

I'll do my best...





Are you still with me?


Yes. One fine day, in the middle of the night, I got absolutely smashed on the stuff. It started to go down like water. Hangover, the next day, wasn't pleasant. Not used to that much vodka all at once.

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