When did you start drinking?!


When did you start drinking?

what age were you when you started drinking? i mean alcohol. and is it bad for a 12 year old to have a bit of beer every once in a while? cuz i have had beer before and i was just wondering.

12. its no big deal if you dotn do it often and dont get caught and do it in moderation.




I started when I was 12, I am in my sixties now and it has not hurt me yet.

15 years old at my sisters boyfriends place he was a drug dealer,but he,s dead.

i have been drinking since i was 16 but had alcohol every christmas new year etc for aslong as i can remember

It depends on the situation. You should only drink if ur underage if ur parent is present and is allowing it. Im 14 and i love to drink wine with my parents sometimes.

13...Lexi's parents should be arrested! I'm 34 now, have done a lot of partying in my life and luckily never turned into an alcoholic but a lot of my friends have and it's sad. I don't drink anymore, not even occasionally...the novelty has worn off. Plus, I want to be a good role model for my kids.

I grew up with a bar in the basement! Mom and Dad were socialites, and had parties all the time. We had a beautiful basement, with a fireplace and a bar. I got to drink anytime I wanted, I didn't generally want to drink unless I had friends around. As an adult, I hardly drink at all.

20, but now i dont drink alcohol!

I started around 12, used to sneak beer from the fridge in the basement... however, my first time drunk was 9, my girlfriend and I raided her dad's liquor cabinet and decided to try one of everything. Never got caught (;

4 days old.. my mom feed it to me to put me to sleep... her and dad also thought it was funny to see a toddler at the age of 2 walk back and forth to get a drink until they fell down

I started drinking when I was 16, any kind of alcohol is bad for you, when I was young I had sips of my dads beer and I thought it was gross but it isn't good for you at any age, especially young ages.

First drink of beer was when I was about 5, I kept pestering my dad, so he let me try a sip.

First champagne was when I was 10 for new years.

First hard liquor was 14 and I got really sick.

Started drinking regularly around 16....but I'm better now ;P

drinking is bad it doesnt matter what age you are.

I started drinking by age 15 and quit when I was 25. I used to love to drink now, I can't stand it. Something changed when I was 25 and I just didn't like the feeling any more so I just didn't do it anymore.

When I was first thirsty =)

I had the odd Glass of wine when I was Small sometimes a small Glass of Port or Sherry from my Parents or Aunts and Uncles those were different Times over 45 years ago ,perhaps they might not do the same thing today who knows. I Officially Started Drinking when I was Twenty I had A Pint of Lager With a Drop of Lime in it. In France they usually have a Small Glass of Wine with there Dinner at 13 or so . it never did me any harm my Sister was the same.She was a Bawler when an Infant and they used to give her a nip of Whiskey in her bottle to Shut Her up. She is a Year older than me and has never Drunk Alcohol since growing up. Is it right to allow a Child to Drink Alcohol ,it is against the Law. A small Nip I suppose is no Harm but you never Know you could be starting them on the Rocky Road to Alcoholism take care.

Both of my parents and grandparents own bars/restaurants, and where I'm from the legal age for drinking is 18 and the police don't bust you if you're smoking ganja near you house, as long as you're not selling it. Messed up huh? as I type this I can see my neighbors planet from here.


i had my first beer when i was 13. i don't recommend drinking at 13 but it didn't really hurt me.
A better age might be 16, at least then you know what you are doing.

I started at 4 1/2. That was 40 years ago, and I haven't missed a beat since.

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