Can beer really make you sterile?!

Question: i've heard about this somewhere, but can't find the article i read about it. this kid at school doesn't believe me, and i honestly want to find out for myself if its true. if you know, please give sources too, because that's what i'm really after here. good sources=best answer! :-)

Answers: i've heard about this somewhere, but can't find the article i read about it. this kid at school doesn't believe me, and i honestly want to find out for myself if its true. if you know, please give sources too, because that's what i'm really after here. good sources=best answer! :-)

Heavy consumption of alcohol has a startling effect on both male and female fertility. Men and women who drink more than six alcoholic beverages per day are more likely to suffer from hormonal imbalances, affecting both the generation of sperm and ovulation. Women who are heavy drinkers commonly suffer from:

luteal phase defects

Men who are heavy drinkers can suffer from:

low sperm count
poor sperm motility
poor sperm morphology

The affects of light to moderate alcohol consumption on fertility are, unfortunately, less well known. It does appear that moderate alcohol consumption can kill off some sperm-producing cells in the testicles and may contribute to impaired sperm morphology. Some studies also show that women who are light to moderate drinkers may experience some hormonal imbalances.

If it could I wouldn't have a daughter.

i am a cold beer drinker; i have got two boys.

No but it can make you wish you were and it is related to some types of impotency.

I'm gonna go with no. A friend of mine, he drinks like a fish and has 3 sons with his wife.

I don't think so. I've never heard that before.

I look around the house seeing all these children, so I don't think so.

Too much can cause a limp noodle. Does that count?

Beer can only make you sterile if you use the can or bottle to cut off your testicles. Better drink the beer first to help dull the pain.

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