Is there any way i can get drunk easier/quicker with just a bottle of whiskey?!

Question: I've got a bottle of whiskey. nothing else. is there any way to make me atleast 'not normal' and atleast feel something? I heard if you don't eat or drink the same day you get it quicker/harder. And what does it feel like to be drunk. Is it similar to being high?

Answers: I've got a bottle of whiskey. nothing else. is there any way to make me atleast 'not normal' and atleast feel something? I heard if you don't eat or drink the same day you get it quicker/harder. And what does it feel like to be drunk. Is it similar to being high?

Starchy food, like bread or crackers or something....and yes you do get drunker quicker if you have an empty stomach. And if you want to"feel something" Drink it straight with no chasers. The faster you drink, the faster you get your crunk on!...And yeah i guess it is similar to being high, on weed that is....But being drunk is kindaaa different. Don't drink too much though, hangovers ain't fun. But drinking is! it makes you feel happy. And you are more "open" with people, meaning, if your shy, you won't be anymore. Unless you are that wierd...quiet drunk.....But just remember this..............Liquor before beer, You're in the clear.....Beer before Liquor.....&you've never been sicker.

If you haven't been drunk before I would not drink a bottle of whisky if I were you - rather than drunk you will probably find yourself dead from alcohol poisoining.

Haha I hope you're kidding, because you can probably get drunk four or five times out of one bottle of whiskey.

well if you are desperate you could fill a syringe with alcohol and shoot it,, that will definitely get you high

I've never been high and never will be but I've been drunk and omg its crzy. Well, I can't say much cuz I can't remember 3hrz (scary az ****) wen I did it that ONE AND ONLY time. Hangovrz r a b****!!!

it's not like being high...

Drunk you vision will go eventually, you stumble, stutter and like being high you laugh... or sometimes vomit...

drink it man will no it

Drink it fast! And the less food the faster you get drunk. In my opinion anyway. The experience of being drunk is different for everyone. I've never been high so I can't answer that.

if ur not a drinker dnt start w whiskey! that'll mess u up. i had a bad experience many years ago w MD. and now i cant even stand the smell! makes me gag. AND i was hung over for 3 days

as long as its not a mini bottle, there's nothing you need to do but drink! I'd guess you'll feel 2-3 shots and 6-7 will get you drunk. can't really describe being drunk, and when you say high i assume weed. no not at all like weed

It's different from being high. Don't eat before drinking, put extra sugar in the bottle, and combine with sedative-hypnotics and/or painkillers like Aspirin (you want to make sure to get one that thins your blood) to get the maximum out of a bottle. All these things increase the effect of alcohol. But they could also decrease your chances of ever drinking anything again, in other words, you might also end up dead. It's basically up to you.

yeah, dont eat. drink it quickly. avoid starchy foods after drinking. walk around to get the blood flowing faster. thatll do the trick. heres a word of advice though... being all out drunk isnt fun, its the stages along the way that are. instead of trying to get drunk, just try to stay well buzzed for the whole night. being drunk is not like being high, but youll have to experience it to understand.

starchy foods are foods like bread, pasta, rice, etc. they absorb alcohol and make it release slower into the bloodstream. whiskey is a tough drink for the inexperienced drinker, you'll probably end with your head in the toilet at the end of the night. start with vodka, gin, or other white (clear) alcohol, its easier to stomach. but drink what you have. theres no way to detail what its like to be drink, other than saying you get more social, slow down, and lose control of mental processes (speech, motor-skills, balance, etc.). some people become lovers and others become fighters.

hey, this is a trick not much people know but add a spoon of suger in your glass and stir with whisky, then drink it with a straw!! veryy important. i garantie you will knock out with 2 glasses!! try it and let me know

Slam the whole bottle as fast as you can! But you're not going to get that drunk because it's going to all be on your living room carpet in a couple of minutes!

dont drink too much if it is ur first time, but if ur determined know when enough is enough because if u try too hard you could get bad alcohol poisoning, you would be best off mixing it with coke and having about 30 mls/ a standard shot with each glass of coke, for decent alcohol/taste combination... you will know when ya drunk because u will be tipsy as in ur talking more and stumbling around a bit, and when u start feeling sick maybe try some water or non alcoholic drinks because ur sickness will get worse if u keep drinking because alcohol takes 15 minutes roughly to get absorbed into ya system... a starchy food is something like potatoes, rice, or pasta, you know the gluggy white stuff that mixes in the water when u boil it, well thats the starch... high in carbs too,... if u want to recover from a hangover take a couple of paracetemol in the morning along with a lot of water and non caffeine drinks, and eat really fatty food like hamburgers or chhesy meaty stuff the next day, and later on in the day when ya feeling better but real tired have a sleep or if not have a pick me up like a strong coffe or two or maybe a red bull.

forget what they said.
drink as much as you can..when you wake up the next morning
you will never want to do it again.

What size is the bottle, Either way pound it....

ofc it can,just open it and start chugging

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