21 shots for 21st birthday?!

Question: This is, without a doubt, dangerous to do in quick succession in one night. Is it equally dangerous if the shots are spread out throughout the day? Example: 2 shots at noon, 2 or 3 shots at 2, 2 or 3 shots at 5...and so on...?

Answers: This is, without a doubt, dangerous to do in quick succession in one night. Is it equally dangerous if the shots are spread out throughout the day? Example: 2 shots at noon, 2 or 3 shots at 2, 2 or 3 shots at 5...and so on...?

My husband is a police officer and used to be on the DWI squad. He now runs DWI's (their video's to use in court cases). I checked with him. He said first we do not know how much you weigh, second we would not know how much you would be eating, third we have no idea if you will be drinking in between these shots so his best advice would be DO NOT do this.

You run the risk of alcohol poisoning not only that what you will be doing to your liver is horrible. Your body can not process all this alcohol even if it took all day.

I know you are 21 and most of us went through some fun thing for our 21st birthday. Just please please be careful. Also the other very very important thing you must remember and I told this to my oldest son too DONOT ever leave your drink unattended and come back and drink it.

My son's best friend was killed (murdered) on his 18th birthday by someone who put liquid moriphine in his drink. He overdosed and never woke up.

I know sounds a little dramatic but it is just a mom thing.

Have fun good luck.

anytime you consume that much alcohol it's dangerous...how about don't do that. Drinking is lame anyway.


no that should be fine, but ull prob be sleeping by the time night comes around.

it's dangerous how ever you do it...

YES! Are you kidding me!?! do you want to DIE???


you are going to be so drunk my advice !DONT DO IT!

Dangerous anyway. Why not just have a big drink and be done with it?

If you do 21 shots of beer, you'll be fine. I would not do 21 shots of hard liquor if I were you.

Nah...spreading them out isn't so bad! Not as much fun as doing them all at once!!!

21 shots of pure water, you can say you drank 21 shots and survived it. And it is healthy.

Otherwise, its just stupid.

A better idea would be to just drink normal on a 21st birthday and get 1 kiss on the lips from 21 members of the opposite sex at a bar.

an hour or so apart is really good to do. It also depends on your weight also. if way like 100- 130 i would make it two hours apart just to be on the safe side. but two hours or an hour apart should be ok that is the recomadation from the cops.

thats one shot an hour for a full 21 hours if you only do one an hour. even being sober 21 hours is a long time to stay awake.if your not an experienced drinker you probably wont be able to do it,but if you do manage to your going to be right drunk.

Are you trying to end up in a comma...Not a good idea.

21 shots of hard liquor????? no one in their right mind would do that.

You will be going to the hospital if you take 21 shots. Enough said. Welcome to the wonderful world of stomach pumpage.

just chug for 21 secs.. it will be better then you can just chill and realize drinking really sucks anyways.. or go have sex with som1 who had 21 shots... and you can hace the same experience... it doesnt feel really good..

it's not as bad if you do it all day, one of my friends did that, starting the minute she turned 21... another one of my friends did it during the night out and she ended up wasted tripping on benches and falling on the ground, nothing too bad...

it does depend on your tolerance, but spaces appropriately it will be fine.. believe me, i usually drink about 12-16 more or less drinks during a night, and ive been fine, really drunk sometimes, but ok, terrible hangovers though..

also a good idea might be to do a shot thats not super hard, but more like a shooter, stay away from 99 apples/berries/bananas, and 151

have fun in vegas, im going in may, 2 days after my 21st! exciting

If you must do such a thing to impress your friends...... water it down with tea or something so you only get a total of 4 shots.... just refuse to share the bottle.... pour the rest of the bottle into a couple of jars..

in theory your body burns off about one dink per hour or one shot per hour. So in theory 21 shots over 21 hours should be OK.

I have never heard of any one doing this though.
I have hear of people trying 21 shots of beer. you are still going to get plowed but it's not as dangerous


You lose about 1 drink an hour. So spreading it out certainly will help. Do two as soon as you get up and at least one an hour all morning and you should make it.

Drink water like crazy all day.

Drinking that many in one day on your 21st birthday would be a disaster. Alcohol poisoning is deadly. That is a stupid idea. get it outta yer head. If you insist on shots, drink 21 shots of beer. Have you ever tried that? You wll be fubu. Leave that hard stuff alone. In Vegas 21 years old you can have so much fun it is rediculous. Getting smashed is not the way to do it.

People have died drinking their age in shots. It's really dumb. And not that enjoyable, unless you like vomiting and dying...

Even if you don't die, you'll probably end up behaving like the disgusting drunken slags puking in the gutter outside the club down the road, and no-one will be able to respect you or take you seriously!

Still, your choice. Happy birthday!


I'm a bartender..... when some dumb *** wants to do 21 shots in one night much less in one sitting we will fill up shot glasses about half with vodka or whatever and the other half with water and stiil charge for all 21 :)

some people will tell you they really drank 21 shots in one night in one sitting and they might have but not at a bar......no bar/bartenders would ever but down 21 shots for one guy to drink

if you drank 2 shots an hour starting at noon ill say go for it but you will be in bed by 12am

that is a dangerous thing to do. You could die of alcohol poisoning especially if you did not eat properly.

all those stories are bullshit... Dont let people tell you they have a tolerance... thats horsepiss as well.... It all depends on how much blood you have in your body...BAC= blood alcohol content.. or something liek that... its science.. unless your star jones, dont do it if you want to live....

you should be okay, i would just make sure you drink plenty of water between your shots and make sure you eat. And if you want to make it all the way to 21shots w/o getting too plastered, i would recommend shooters (liuor and juice/or mixers) vs. straight liquor.

Depends on what you're shooting. If it's schnapps, you'll be fine. hehe

Maybe do one hard shot, one girly shot, hard shot, etc.

Good luck and be safe! Vegas would be a bad place to be stuck in the streets!

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