How many of you have ever drove after drinking alcohol?!

Question: If so how many times?

Answers: If so how many times?

Never have, and I think I can say confidently, never will. Love to drink, and sorry if I sound like a wet blanket but thats seriously not something to **** with. I have friends that have been hit by drunk drivers and I knew people who have died from driving drunk or with someone driving drunk and friendships/relationships ruined by those deaths.
It's so easy to avoid, just don't start the car. Stay the night, call a cab, call a parent, call a friend. SLEEP in the car, till you're sober

yes. 300+ times, and have never been caught. i have a designated driver now, so all i have to do on a crazy night is drive about 1/2 mile from the gas station down the road to my house

Way too many. As of right now I have not driven a car drunk, tipsy, or even after one sip for 6 years. I admit I was stupid back then, and I paid the price. Never again.


I used to, then one fateful night the police pulled me over and gave me a DUI. I have not since then, because I'm trying to recover financially. They say it costs a person an average of $7,000.00 for their first DUI if you include classes, license revocations, insurance, etc. I must say I agree. It was total hell and just plain inconvenient so it was all I needed to not do it again.

i have
but i don't anymore, my husband is the designated driver

people who drink and drive are complete losers. If you want to kill yourselves then drink yourself to an early death in a bar. Don't get behind the wheel of a car drunk and risk the lives of others.

I'd hardly qualify it as driving. More like staying between the ditches. And too many times. No accidents. No Arrests.

Lucky? You betcha!

Many, many years ago...a few times. Not anymore though, those days are long over...

It's just to selfish to think of doing this. If I drink when I'm out I always have a driver, walk, or take a cab. No one ever thinks something bad will happen to them but I don't want to chance it.

Never have and never will.

More times than I care to admit and I regret it to this day. DDing is one of the stupidest things you can do. There are so many other ways to get around... Designated drivers... Taxi... Bus/Train.

I learned my lesson and thankfully nobody got hurt for me to do so.

All the time. Makes it more exciting!

not a car, but 4-wheeler and snowmobile

I have when I was forced to, but I never drove wasted or heavily intoxicated. I left that to the passengers! Driving buzzed, even slightly, can be very difficult. It all depends on your behavioral cues, tolerance, and attention skills. As morally wrong as it sounds, it's still dangerous, it's true. Some people can manage, most can't drive intoxicated.

Me personally, I never hope in a car after a drink. Most of the time i wait n hour after my last drink or take a nap if I'm at a friend's house/party, then I drive home still buzzed. I think for most people like me, there is a desire to get home to their nice cozy beds.

Then there's getting pulled over, loss of license, huge fines, jail time, (possibl loss of job). I got lucky from one experience, but I don't want that to happened again, so now I'm cautious. I don't reconmend it to just anybody- or anyone really.

A lot of times.!
got pulled over once haa because
i was
1.) drunk as hell but played it off
2.) trying to text
3.) my lights was off at 4 am

I've driven many, many a time after drinking. I've never driven completely drunk, but I have definitely driven while buzzed. NOT something I'm proud of.

I don't know if it's just where I live (Orange County, CA), but I meet SO many people with DUIs, some multiple. A group of guys that I know from my favorite dive bar had about 3 or 4 different people with suspended licenses because of DUIs.

too many too count but i am not happy about it,i wreck 1 time while drunk.don't try this at home

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