What kind of drink can i make from jackdaniels vodka and southern comfort?!

Question: those are the 3 alchols i have right now

Answers: those are the 3 alchols i have right now

Instant vomit!

I wouldn't make 1 drink with all three of those...........

Jack & Coke
Vodka & Cranberry
And SoCo is just yummy - just put a lime in it.

mmmm soco and lime....

southern comfort with lime juice....yummy!!!!

I mix everything with Diet Sunkist Orange.

But then, I am a cheap drunk.

add some soda or juice and call it a "timebomb", because after drinking it, it's a matter of time before you're bombed!

It's a new drink called the "Rehab".

long island, just throw in some ice and pepsi or coke or whatever

You will get sick if you mix those
It will be good at first

Well vodka goes with anything from soda, juice, to koolaid. Whatever's in the fridge works. Jack is more for coke and SoCo goes great with juice like lime or cranberry.

If you have some coca-cola, you can mix a shot of jack, vodka and SoCo with about 16 oz of coke and call it a half-island iced tea.

Drinkety Drink!

No! Don't...just...no...

Vodka, SoCo and some kind of juice might taste good.... Jack and the SoCo and some kind of juice (or even coke) would also taste good. I don't really see any way of combining all three and having it taste good.

There is no such thing as Jack Daniel's vodka...It is sour mash bourbon.

Oooops, I now see that you meant, "Jack Daniel's, vodka and Southern Comfort." Punctuation and spelling apparently suffer under the influence of alcohol. LOL

southern comfort...you can do shots of soco lime
with the vodka you can make screwdrivers (vodka and orange juice)

Just take a shot of each!

I don't know many things you can mix those three together in, just make three separate drinks! It will do the job just fine!

Southern comfort with squeeze of lemon or lime,
some OJ or Grapefruit juice
mixed with some Cran

Its deeelish

Southern Russian Jack Directions
begin by pouring out two shots of southern comfort, your vodka of choice and jack daniels. The shots are added to the drinking glass in three rounds, in each round you add two shots simultaneously. Begin by pouring a shot of vodka and jack daniels into the glass. Then pour the remaining jack daniels shot in with one southern comfort. Then add in the final vodka and southern comfort. Stir, then add coke if desired.

We use to mix all 3 in a juice glass...but include Jim Beam..and call it a hammer....do it as a double shot! WOOO HOOO

1. jd & coke is popular
2. vodka....screwdriver=vodka and orange juice
...................Cherry vodka sour= vodka, sweet & sour and grenegine
3. Southern Comfort....Whiskey sour= Southern Comfort and sweet & sour

Now the jack and so co are ingredients for Long island ice tea, however i am not sure if the vodka would be a good mix.

Here is a site you can check for other combo's

soco and sprite with some kind of sweet flavoring,
had it at a club one night, dont remember what kind of flavoring it was but it was red or pink. was the bartenders "special". may be considered a chick drink but its very good.

I wouldn't mix those... it could be lethal!
Southern Comfort and coke (soco w/cola)
vodka with orange juice (screwdriver)
jackdaniels with coke

shame on you it's a sin to mix Jack

Might as well make it healthy. Start out with a bloody mary for your vegetables, the jack~ I have no idea but the southern comfort....yeah, have a little respect and sip it straight up.

Pick one, add soda, done.

drink the jack and southern comfort neat, or with ice, separately. mix the vodka with anything, unless it's top shelf. if it is drink it neat out of the freezer or make martinis, very dry

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