Is it bad that I dont drink or do drugs?!


Is it bad that I dont drink or do drugs?

I don't drink or do drugs. i guess u can call me a goodie two shoes when it comes to stuff like that. Is that bad? I mean i dont c the point in drinking and getting drunk and then the next morning or when ever u wake up u get a major head ach?

~i think so~

that good you dont drink or do drugs

I agree with you completely. Its not bad.

*High Five*

Way to go! Nothing wrong with being sober!

Good for you. Keep it up!

it is a good thing dont let other pressure you into something you do not want to do!

It's not bad it's good don't you ever ask anything intelegent

Great! I don't drink or use drugs either! I do smoke though. I agree 100% there is no point. However I still hang out with people who do both. My choices are my own.

That isn't bad at all. That shows that you are strong willed and I salute you for it.

No it is NOT bad. I am also like that on many occasions.

no!!! definetly not! it's bad for people who do drink and do drugs!! think a little!

It doesn't make you a bad person that you choose to abstain from drinking and doing drugs. Smart is more like it.

I have the occassional drink now and then, but not in excess and not very often either. I don't believe in doing drugs, just the way I was raised. Not worth the trouble with the law or addiction if you ask me.

Rock on with your goodie two shoes self! hehe.... ;-)

Noooooo. Good Job. I hate it when people tell me I'm a goodie two shoes too. I also have the same reasoning as you, it's like why get drunk and have a hangover? :)

Not doing drugs - good, very good.

Not drinking - OK.

Being a teetotaler does not make you a "goody two-shoes." If you don't like alcohol, that is your business; if you're not interested in getting sloshed, more power to you. I drink, but I have learned to discipline my drinking so I don't get pickled.

Actually it is very good. Most people in this world can't say that, and I`m glad there are SOME sober people who are in this world. Good for you! =]

Of course not :) You actually have something going for you. Don't cave on peer pressure. Drinking and drugs is something you don't want to get into. Blessed be.

I wouldn't call you a goodie two shoes, I would say you were intelligent.

of course it's not bad...the only time you could be called a "goody two shoes" is when you talk down to someone else that DOES do those things. as long as you are confident in your desicions, and dont preach to anyone are fine

yes, your a horrible person for not being a drug addict. What kind of question is this?

It's the other way around i think. Try smoking Weed release your creative side just my opinion.

no, I look at you rather highly then. How many people in the world can say that? I'm not sure how old you are, but it shows maturity. Don't let anyone tell you differently that it's wrong.

It's a great thing that you don't. You have so many more opportunites in life than people who do. There is no point in waking up with a hang over, usually the only way to get over the hang over is to drink more or use more drugs. But don't worry, you're not a goodie two shoes.

Of course its not bad, its good. while all ur friends are having hang-overs and are sick to their stomachs from to much alcohol and drugs, u'll be having fun cause you feel great. I'm a good-two-shoes too but if my friends care that i don't drink or do drugs, there NOT my friends.

Don't let peer pressure try to get to u about your good habits keep up the good work and you shall be rewarded for your goodness and your kindness have a great night.

Be proud of yourself!!!!!!!

yes and no. When your young try to get drunk or high at least once a month. That way it wont be detremental to your health and youll have some fun!

no drugs/booze = gay

moderate drugs/booze = incredible

too much drugs/booze = blah

P.S. you do drugs every day of your life. When you drink a coke or a coffee or when you take a headache pill you are doing drugs. Anything your doctor perscribes you is a drug as well.

No matter what you might be told..Not drinking or doing drugs is a good thing....I have made it perfect without doing things like that.

well i wouldn't call it bad or good...i do think that people should have fun and party when they are young cuz when you get older you'll have kids and jobs and it makes it a lot harder to do stuff like that...I just think life is short so people should try everything at least once

Some people who drink and do drugs will tell you that you are weird. But believe me, you will a much happier and healthier person if you continue to think just how you are thinking. You are not bad for sure. You are very smart.

No honey its not wrong just follow what your heart says. The lord will show you the way to a happy life.

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